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Subhash's World

Welcome to my website! I'm just now starting to build it, so it will be under construction for awhile. Feel free to browse through the stuff that I do have up.

~* Site Map *~

* Subhash's World

* They're Coming

* I Rule

* Flying Monkeys

* Person of the Week

* School

* My Code

* Games are finally here

* my favotie site

* expirement

~* My Favorite Web Sites *~

neat starwars website

* Yahoo!

* Yahooligans!

* An Easy Webpage Creator

* MSN.Com

* Aol(You've Got Mail)

I am a good person.

Today's Date is:

~* Joke Of The Day *~

Q:There is a seven-letter word in the English language that contains ten words without rearranging any of its letters." What is the word?

Therein: The, There, He, In, Rein, Her, Here, Ere, Therein, Herein.

~* Wise Saying of the Day *~

"I am always right"

<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Subhash Jaini

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