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Magickal Uses of Herbs and Flowers

I will say now that some of the herbs, flowers and other plants on these lists are posionous. So please be careful. I will make up a list of plants that are posionous and put them on a page by themselves, so that everyone will know. Until then use only what you know is safe.

These lists are so you can make your own oils, incense or whatever. When you add them to a mix, just state the purpose you are using them for. Remember to use your best judgement and you will do fine.

Anger Management: Almond. catnip, chamomile, elecampane, lavender, lemon balm, mint, passion flower, rose, vervain

Anxiety Management: Skullcap, valerian

Apathy: Ginger, peperment

Beauty: Avocada, catnip, flax, rose, ginseng, maidenhair fern, rosemary, witch hazel

Business success: Basil, hawthorn, sandalwood, squill root

Courage: Borage, ceder, columbine, masterwort, mullein, sweetpea, thyme, tonka bean, yarrow

Depression Management: Catnip, daisy, celandine, hawthorn, honeysuckle, hycinth, lemoe balm, lily of the valley, marjoram, morning glory, saffron, sheperd's purse

Employment: Bergamot, bayberry, bay leaf, pecan, pine

Divination:Camphor, dandelion, golden rod, ground ivy, hazelnut, henbane, hibiscus, meadowsweet, mugwort, pomegranate

Enimies: patchouli, slippery elm

Friendship: lemon, orange, sunflower, sweet pea, tonka bean, vanilla

Gambling: buckeye, chamomile, pine

Gossip Management: clove, deers tongue, nettle, rue, slippery elm, snapdragon

Health / Healing: allspice, apple, barley, bay leaf, b;ackberry, cedar, cinnamon, comfrey, elder, eucalyptus, fennel, flax, garlic, ginseng, golden seal, heliotrope, hops, horehound, ivy, lemon balm, life everlasting, mint, mugwort, myrrh, rue, nasturtium, nutmeg, oak, olive, onion, pepperment, persimmon, pine, plantain, rosemary, rowen, saffron, sandalwood, sheaperd's purse, thistle, thyme, vervain, violet, willow, wintergreen, yerba santa

Heartbreak Mamagement: apple, bittersweet, cyclamen, honeysuckle, jasmine, lemon balm, magnolia, peach, strawberry, yarrow

Hunting: acorn, apple, cypress, juniper, mesquite, oak, pine, sage, vanilla

Leagal Matters: Buckthorn, celandine, chamomile, galangal, hickory, high john the conquerer root, marigold

Liberation: Chicory, cypress, lavender, lotus, mistletoe, moon flower

Love: adam and eve root, allspice, apple, apricot, balm of gilead, basil, bleeding heart, cardamom, catnip, clove, chamomile, cinnamon, columbine, copal, coriander, crocus, cubeb, daffodil, dill, daisy, damiana, elecompane, endive, elm, fig, gardenia, geranium, ginger, hibiscus, hyacinth, indian paintbrush, jasmine, juniper, kava-kava, lady's mantle, lavender, lemon balm, lemon verbena, linden, rue, lobelia, lotus, loveage, maidenhair fern, mandrake, maple, marjoram, myrtle, nutmeg, orchid, pansy, peach, pepperment, periwinkle, poppy, primrose, rosemary, rose, saffron, skulcap, spearmint, tulip, spiderwort, strawberry, thyme, tonkabean, vanilla, vervain, violet, willow, wood, betony, yarrow

Luck: allspice, anise, bluebell, calamus, china berry, daffodil, hazal, heather, holly, job's tears, linden, lucky hand, nutmeg, oak, orange, persimmon, pomegranate, poppy, rose, snake root, vertivert, violet

Lust: allspice, caraway, carrot, cattail, cinnamon, cinquefoil, clove, damiana, dearstongue, dill, foxglove, galangal, ginsing, hibiscus, mistletoe, parsley, rosemary, sesame, southernwood, vanilla, violet, yohimbe

Menopause: black cohosh, lavender, peppermint, sage

Mental Powers: all heal, bay leaf, caraway, celery seed, forget-me-not, hazel, lotus, horehound, lilly of the vally, pansy, rue, periwinkle, sandalwood, spikenard, summer savory, spearmint

Nightmare Provention: chamomile, mullein

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS): rose, feaverfew, jasmine, lavender, raspberry leaves

Prophetic Dreams: anise, chamomile, cinquefoil, cloves, helitrope, jasmine, mimossa, mint, mugwort, peacan, pine, rose, rosemary, snapdragon, valerian

Prosperity: almond, bay leaf, basil, bergamont, ceder, chamomile, cinnamon, cinquefoil, clove, mandrake, marjoram, may apple, myrtle, oak, orange, mint, parsley, peacan, pine, snapdragon, sunflower, sweet woodruff, tonka bean, tulip, vanilla, vervain, wheat

Psychic Ability: celery, cinnamon, citronella, elecampane, eyebright, flax, galangal, honeysuckle, lemon grass, mace, marigold, mugwort, peppermint, rose, rowan, star anise, thyme, uva ursa, wormwood, yarrow

Sexual Harrassment Management: vervain, bergamot, camphor, salt peter, witch hazel

Sleep: Agrimony, chamomile, elder, cinquefoil, hops, lavender, linden, peppermint, rosemary, sheperd's purse, thyme, valerian, vervain

Strength: acorn, bay leaf, carnation, mugwort, mulberry, pennyroyal, thistle, plantain, st. john's wort, oak

Stress Management: calendula, comfrey, chamomile, hops, lavender, nettle, oats, passion flower, st, john's wort, skullcap

Success: Cinnamon, clover, ginger, high john the conquerer root, lemon balm, orange, rowan

Theft: caraway, elder, garlic, gentain, juniper, rosemary, vetivert

Travel: bladderwrack, lavender

Victory: bay leaf, high john the conquerer root, olive

Wisdom: hazel, rowan, sage, spikenard,

Wishes: bay leaf, dandelion, dogwood, elder, garlic, gentian, hazel, job's tears, juniper, rosemary, sage, sunflower, tonka bean, vanilla, vervain, vetivert, violet, walnut

Protection: african violet, agrimony, aloe vera, alyssum, angelica, anise, arrowroot, asafoetida, balm of gilead, basil, bay leaf, birch, bladderwrack, boneset, bromeliad, broom, burdock, cactus, calamus, caraway, carnation, cedar, chrysanthemum, cinnamon, cinquefoil, clove, clover, cumin, curry, cyclamen, cypress, datura, dill, dogwood, dragon's blood, elder, elecampane, eucalyptus, fennel, feverwort, flax, fleabane, foxglove, frankincense, galangal, garlic, geranium, ginseng, heather, holly, honeysuckle, horehound, houesleek, hyancinth, hyssop, ivy, juniper, lady's slipper, larkspur, lavender, lilac, lily, linden, lotus, lucky hand, mallow, mandrake, marigold, mimosa, mint, mistletoe, mugwort, mulberry, mullein, mustard, myrrh, nettle, oak, olive, onion, parsley, pennyroyal, peony, pepper, periwinkle, pine, plantain, primrose, quince, radish, raspberry, rattle, snakeroot, rhubarb, rose, rowan, rue, sage, st, john's wort, sandalwood, snapdragon, southernwood, spanish moss, sweet woodruff, thistle, tulip, valerian, vervain, violet, willow, wintergreen, witch hazel, wolfbane, wormwood, wood betony, yucca