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From: Mossfaeri AutumnMyst Fwd: [Sisters-Moon]

Imbolc Recipes

The traditional foods of Imbolc come to us from the Celts, the French and the Swedes. Many of them are round in shape, or contain the traditional foods of the spring Sabbats such as honey and milk. No doubt this as another form of sympathetic magick to wish back warmer weather.

Pancakes or waffles, usually round and made with reach cream, are still a Swedish tradition for Imbolg, especially on farms and in the Lappland where sheep, goats and deer form the basis of the economy. The honey cake is a French Imbolg dessert with Middle East origins.

Because of the Sabbat's association with the ewe's lactation, milk is also a featured item at the feast. And since the weather is still cold in most places at this time of year, serve it hot with a bit of chocolate and honey flavoring.

The Norse tradition dictated that pork be eaten on Imbolg, and that the bones be saved as talismans of strength and virility until planting time. In Celtic lands, poultry and lamb doused in dill are still traditional Imbolg dishes.

The Roman holiday of Lupercalia also occurs near Imbolg. Lupercalia celebrated the beginning of the wolves' mating season and was the originator of our St. Valentines Day. Wolves mate for life and their union was seen not only as a sign of spring, but of the eternal union of the Goddess and her Sun God. To honor this occasion, make the All-Purpose Holiday Cookie recipe and cut the dough into heart shapes, or indulge yourself in a box of Valentines chocolates found in every corner store.









