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Mad Lesbian from NW UK

Just a short note to let you know what this site will be about.
Basically it will be about my life up to now and will hopefully be
updated weekly with diary excerts (providing something exciting has happened!!)
There'll be photo's, stories of days gone by and hopefully it may help
anyone out there who are due to come out or who just need to know where
they can go. There'll be links to gay sites, reviews of pubs and clubs in
and around the North-West of England, the area that I live! Hope you enjoy. THAT'S WOT SHOULD BE IN IT BUT I'VE NOT GOT THAT FAR YET (SORRY) If you like what you see and read why not drop me a line! My E-mail address is at the bottom of the page. Click on the picture of me to see piccy's of my friends!!

For pictures of some mad nights out that we've had click onto the following link MAD NIGHTS OUT!!!

The picture above is of me with my ex-girlfriend, she's the one in the purple top, her best friend Natalie, the blond, and two American girlies before a night out!! Click onto the picture to see more of the girlies that have been in my life!!
