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Hi everybody! I dont know why I decided to do this. But Im semi-computer literate so it should be interesting...And for those of you who care Ill start putting up drawings and so forth as soon as my scanner is up and running.

Legins HAVOC

Want to praise, yell, or come onto me? Do it here: Legin's Board of Doom

Want to read some of my stories? Well here ya go! Legin's Legends

Finally, I got some art for ya! Art

I got a digital camera, PICS AHOY! Pictures

11/30/02 Man... I was fscked up a month ago, ne? Anywhoo, Im better now, kinda, Im functional suffice to say. Right. I still miss her, but Ive been able to talk to her a few times, so its not so bad.

On to new business. Ive just recently become a member of Cool site, Ive already submitted 3 of my finished cg~ed drawings. Ive gotten good comments so far. I have even gone so far as to design my own avatar. Nothing fancy but it looks nice. I also made a little signature that goes on all my drawings. Right now Im working on my custom ID ^.^ Thats right, I got nothing better to do right now. If I aint working, Im drawing or on the comp... eating, sleeping and video games fits in there too.

As for work, Blitz is over, long live the Christmas shopping season. Thats right, I made it through the day after Thanksgiving. It wasnt too bad this year. And Im back in Layaway permanent! ^_______^

Well, thats bout all I can think of for now. Ja ne, faithful readers!

10/21/02 I feel dead inside. If thats not dramatic enough to grab your attention... well... screw you. Sorry... Im a little messed up right now. "Little" being an understatement. I spose I should explain.

Ive been having a long distance relationship with a girl I met almost a year ago in the AN chat. We've been friends for a long time and back in May we became much more. And I dont want to here bout how I dont actually know her and that she could be some guy pretending to be a girl. Suffice to say, Ive talked to her on the phone quite a bit. Anyway... Despite the long distance (she lives in New Mexico) I fell in love with her. The real deal, capital "L" and everything. I love her still. Talking to her fills me with such happiness... and if you know me, you know what im like when Im happy. Ive been extremely happy... up till summer was almost over. Liz had to go back to school... and with the way I get online, I wasnt able to be on at the same time as her. So it began.

We promised to keep in touch with letters and emails and the occasional phone call. Unfortunately she is busy with after school stuff and I work evenings. So, we pushed ahead... and her letters stopped. Mine did too. It hurts to be seperated without direct contact, even if it isnt in person. I started emailing her, almost everynight after work... I got little to no responses. Days, and in one case two weeks, went by and I would get nothing. I sent her flowers about a month ago... I managed to talk to her soon after that. She loved them. Through all the time we havent been able to talk, Ive been on a roller coaster of emotions. Ive been depressed mostly... barely able to smile at work, much less at home. All the negative emotions have had their way with me... Ive only been happy when Liz has sent me an all too infrequent email. And it just got better today.

Actually... it didnt. She broke up with me. Im devastated... completely. Ive spent nearly 3 hours crying and am still. Maybe things will become better when we're able to talk more often... but, and this may be my pessimism talking, I feel like I wont be able to get her back. All the time Ive been hurting and been so depressed and crap... so has she. And its been worse for her, enough that... she decided not having me was better than having me, but without being able to talk to me. So I sit here and type this out. And cry over a love that has been so long in the making... A year Ive devoted to her, first as my friend... then as my girlfriend. We have such a connection... And I know in the depths of my very soul, I want to spend my life with her.

But that may not be.

7/3/02 Hrrrmmm.... just updating cuz I havent in a while. Not much to say, really. Hmmm... that date isnt correct... its actually the Fourth. Its almost two in the morning actually... shows how late I been stayin' up lately. Im kinda lonely and depressed, miss Liz. Erm... ya guys already know that considering how I told ya at Applebees. Of course, Im assuming that the only people who come here... or rather came here, are my friends. Well, I should get to bed. Going to my grandparents for dinner. Barbeque Im assuming. Fun fun.

4/27/02 Well, if anybody has noticed, I havent been online for about two weeks. And I'll tell you why. My dsl modem up and died. Great... So now Im back on a cruddy 56k dial-up modem with a password. Bleagh. So Im not going to be online much for a while, at least until we get a new dsl modem.

So, I guess Ill see everybody round sometime.

3/26/02 Erg..... Its nearly April and I havent updated in nearly three months. Baaaaad Nigel. Anyways, I been doin' alright, been savin' for school and such. Gonna get my own comp pretty soon here, thats exciting.

Ummmm... Im trying to bring the site up to speed and junk, so there should be more pics and drawings and crud soon.

1/24/02 Well, the new year is here. I know, I know... Im late in saying that. Sheesh January is almost over. I dont appear to have changed at all with the passing of 2001, what a pity, eh?

Hmmm... Oh! I wanna give a shout out... thats right, I said "shout out." Slang? From Nigel? Never... anyway, I just wanna say hi to Sango, my best friend from AN. HI SANGO!!! Hopefully she can actually get here. Heh heh.

*tries to think of something to say, cant... gives up* Im gonna try and update a bit, work on my pictures, art, and stories pages. Give ya all something new to see, eh? Later!

12/18/01 Ive been bad and havent updated in a while. For shame! Im such a bad person... *goes to beat the demons out*

*cries* My scanner stopped working again! I only got one drawing scanned! *sighs* Oh well, Im getting a digital camera Thursday so its all good.

Yay! Christmas is only a week away! Im excited... so much to do, so little time to do it.

Bah, thats enough for now. Im bored and need something fun to do, rather than updating. *runs off into the sunset....... *pfizzle*

11/1/01 Teedley dee! Hello all! Some exciting news... my scanner is up and running again! Ive got a drawing up on my pictures page, only problem is... its HUGE! Ive still got to figure out how to size pictures. -.-;; Ah well, maybe if Im lucky somebody will tell me how. ^.^ But for now, you get GIANT NAHGHA!!! Mwahahahahahahaaaa!

Heh, thats it for now... Ill be back to commit more larcenous acts later!

10/14/01 Im worried about my friends. They all seem to be upset about one thing or another. Little comments are being turned into attacks on peoples character and worse. Im worried we are drifting apart, emotionally and physically. Some would say this is growing up, but if growing up means losing those important to you... I dont want to grow up. I dont want to lose my friends. I dont want to see them singly because someone said something that about someone that pissed someone else off. I dont have many close friends and those I do have, I love dearly. I hate seeing them like this. Some of them protest and say they are fine, but it keeps getting worse and worse. Im trying very hard to concentrate on the good things that have happened to me recently. I want to understand why they are hurting but I cant. I have a hard time understanding why I hurt sometimes. Even though some of them live within a mile of me, I feel seperated from them. Ive stopped talking to some of them because I dont want to say something wrong. Im paranoid enough without worrying about this. :: sighs :: But there is nothing I can do. What happens happens. Ill just try to ride this out. Hope it gets better.

And if not.... Ive been alone before. I dont need anyone....

10/2/01 Its been awhile since I updated. Lots of stuff has happened, failed to happen, and surprised the hell out of me.

Im in college now, Im taking a Coordinated Studies class thats composed of Bridge 110 and Math 60. Its really easy and the two teachers are cool. The only bad part is that its in the middle of the day and kinda screws with my availability at work. My fault for registrating late. Go Tritons!

Okay that was forced. School spirit is something that happens to other people. :p

On the work front..... IM FINALLY GOING TO LAYAWAY!!!!! ^.^ I have two more weeks before Im actually back there, so Ive still got to wait. But finally after two years of pushing carts, IM MOVING INSIDE!!! Hee hee!!!

Okay, okay.... calm.... calm..... Good. :p

I finally got my ass in gear and updated the pictures page. I added my Metalman X pics that I did on Lightwave. Eventually, ( ie when I get access to Mikes computer :p ) I'll also have my redesign of Snakeman done. Oh yeah... I might actually put up some stories, not just synopsis soon. It wont be either of the ones I have on the stories page though. This one is relatively new. So stick around, you might see something cool.

Im bored, Im gonna go play some Red Faction. See y'all later!

9/15/01 Okay, what youve all been waiting for.... my art! Hee hee!! I have now created a Pictures page. Its not ready at the moment. So dont be looking for the link. Im gonna finish it tomorrow when its not 1:40 in the morning.

So hold your breath till then!

8/30/01 Argh... my head hurts. Im not only having friggin allergies again, I think Im depressed too. Scratch that, I am depressed. I dont really have a reason... I should be okay, but still... I mean just look at yesterdays update. Yeah, real winner. :: sighs :: I dont know maybe being sick is just amplifying some recent feelings. Its kinda been building for a few days. Doing nothing on my days off this week wasnt a big help either. Works been tough... damn back to school. All my friends are going back to school and so am I, if I can friggin hurry up and register. So everything is just pressing in and Ive been in a crappy mood the past couple of days. Talking about it doesnt seem to be helping, so I'll stop.

I dont know if I should talk about it or not... I guess since Im typing I will. Ive been having the "relationship dream". Its this recurring dream where I'm spending a lot of time with a girl, and its obvious we are involved. Its weird. I feel so happy in it. I cant ever remember what the girl looks like or what happens in the dream, except that I had the dream. Its really rather pleasant. Until I wake up, that is. Its one of those dreams where you dont want to wake up. Cause when I do, I realize it was just a dream and then Im upset for a while. Why? Cause its one of those stupid little things. I dont like the fact that Ive never, and when I say never, I mean NEVER have had a girlfriend. I shouldnt care. But the fact is it upsets me. A lot. But it shouldnt! I dont know, like I said, its stupid. Maybe Im just being insecure. I guess I just want somebody who will always like spending time with me. but I have my friends and family and that should be enough... but I want more. I dont know why Im even talking about this here. I think about it a lot. I dont want to but I do. But enough of this. Its not important. I can survive without a girlfriend, its not important.

In order to get my mind of of that :: points to paragraph above :: Im gonna talk about Diana's birthday party. It was last Sunday the 26th. It started at 3 but I didnt get there till about 5:30 cause I worked till 5 that day. I was really out of it for the first hour or so, cause I was feeling sick and really tired. I put together a gift bag for Diana. It had a two cards, a mirror thing, some picture frames with stickers to put on them and the centerpiece was a white stuffed gorilla I found at work. I also put in a whole bag of butter toffys, and a bunch of mints and bubblegum. She liked it. I didnt really eat anything, but I had a soda. Once i started feeling better and people started leaving I moved around a bit talking to people. While a lot of people were leaving Mindi and I took a walk down the road that Diana's house is on. It was fun, we talked about little things and teased each other a bit. Justin had to leave to go to his sisters b-day party and Mike took him. Eventually it got to be around ten and Mike said he was tired and wanted to go. I said I wanted to stay and after a bit he said he was going without me. I didnt really mind cause I figured somebody would give me a ride home. Matt G. came over a little before 9 I believe and he and Diana's brother Jeff started playing a basebal game on the NES. It went on for and hour and a half. They played like 7 games. A little after they finished that Matt left. Diana kinda wandered in and out of the room, doing stuff. Mindi and I sat on the couch and watched Die Hard on the TV. She used my knees as a prop for her legs, and I complained I didnt have a pillow to lean against. So she tells me to lean on her. I had no problem with this. So we watched Die Hard like that. It was ... interesting. I ended up rubbing her foot cause she said it itched. We talked like that for a while watching the movie. Justin was in the kitchen area working on Diana's computer cause he had gotten a CD burner for her and was installing it. Mindi gave me a hand massage cause it had started to hurt. Justin came over and talked with us for a while and it was real cozy. Around midnight Diana wandered back into the room and we figured it was time to head home. Mindi went home with her brother, and Diana was nice enough to give Justin and I a ride home. It was a fun party.

Sheesh, my hands hurt from all that typing. Ive got work tomorrow, blech. I think I'll say adios for now.

8/29/01 Sometimes I wonder why I bother. With this, with friends, with anything. :: sighs :: I dont think I can do this right now. I think I'll just close up and come back later to do this.

8/13/01 If you havent noticed, I redid some stuff. I finally learned some basic HTML and rearranged the top of the page. Not terribly impressive but there it is.

This weekend was fun. I had a four day weekend from work. ^.^ Friday I went to Mike's and we did stuff on his computer. I've been working on a neat starfighter carrier on Lightwave ( 3D modeling program ). It looks really good. I also have a starfighter that Im doing thats pretty impressive. Mike's been teaching me how to do stuff on Lightwave. Too bad its like 1200 dollars or Id get it for myself. :: pouts :: Around 5 Mike and I went and got Justin and went to California Burger for something to eat. I had a Pacific Coast Burger. It had grilled onions, mushrooms, bacon and Swiss cheese. It was really good. Mike had a quesadilla, and Justin had fish and chips. When we were done we went back to Mike's and played games on his computer until about ten when we ordered pizza. Justin and I stayed there till about 12 then Mike gave us both rides home.

Saturday I went back to Mike's house. We did pretty much the same thing as Friday, except we planned on going to the movies with Justin at 9:00 or so. I had dinner at Mike's house around 8:30. We watched the Mariners game till about 9:30 when we went to get Justin at his house. We intended to see Rat Race but when we were in line we decided to see The Others instead. Good movie. It kept me guessing till the end.

Sunday I got up about 11am. I kind of lazed around the house. I did some laundry and stuff but mostly played on the computer. It went really quickly. Around 9pm I went online and Mike and Justin asked if I wanted to play Starcraft with them. Of course I said yes. We had a really good game against the computer. It was fun.

Today, Mike and I spent most the day with Mindi. We went bowling and played two games both of which Mike played horribly. Mindi won both and I managed to pull myself out of several bad starts. We played video games after our time ran out on the lane till about 4:20 or so. We went back to Mindi's house, grabbed a Frisbee and football and walked to field that was behind a church down the road from Mindi's house. We had a good time tossing the Frisbee and throwing the football. We were a little concerned when we left because we didnt know where Mindi's dog Petey went. Mindi didnt mind much because Petey sometimes wanders around the neighborhood anyway. It was around 6 when Mike and I said goodbye to Mindi and headed home. Mike and I stopped at Albertsons on the way and picked up some junk food for the ride home. Mike dropped me off at home and I had dinner and then left again. This time I headed for Martha Lake Elementary where Mike, Matt G., Justin, possibly Diana and I were going to play some baseball. I got there and Matt, Justin and Mike were already there so we headed out onto the field which was soaking wet. My shoes got soaked within minutes. I didnt mind much cause I got to laugh at everybody trying to hit the baseball, including myself. This went on till about 9 and then we decided we had had enough, especially with all the mosquitoes that were trying to eat us. I said goodbye to the guys and came home.

So that was my 4 day weekend off. I had a lot of fun and am not really looking forward to going back to work. :: shrugs :: But thats the way it always is, isnt it? Oh well. Tomorrow back to work. I have to pay for my weekend.

I'll see ya'll later!

7/31/01 I got a new car! Well Erik ( my brother ) and I bought a very nice 1980 blue Mustang. For a fairly good price too. I really like it. Now if only I had a drivers license...

I know I havent updated in a while. I nearly freaked out when I couldnt get into my web shell. My free webpage provider made some changes since I last updated so my member name got changed. Took me about ten minutes to figure out what it had been changed to. But I did and now Im here. ^.^

Most of the past few weeks has been more boring work stuff. I did do some fun stuff though. Like going fishing with my dad, seeing Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within and going to a party at Mikes house.

Mike's parents went on vacation for a week so Mike had a party. He decided to theme it Sci-Fi and we watched Aliens, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and Star Trek IV. Finally Mike has a party where we can watch somebody's chest explode. It was fun.

I have to go. Ill finish later.

7/14/01 Hmm... havent updated in a while. Ive been bad and put it off. Not much has happened in the past couple of weeks thats worth talking about. I worked mostly. :: gags :: Umm.... Oh yeah! Fourth of July was fun. Actually, I worked for most the day but then I got to go see the Lynnwood City fireworks display, which was cool. I went with Mike, Justin, Lisa, Joe and Lisa's family. It was fun. I also got to see Matt G. there too, which was also cool. Oops I forgot, before that, right after work I went to my grandparents house for dinner. Erik drove me from Wal-Mart to my grandparents. It was scary. Erik just got his license a few weeks ago.

What do you mean get on with it? Get on with what? :p

Anyway after the we watched the display we went to Lisa's house and lit fireworks. That was fun. I had a good time and I really enjoyed seeing Lisa and Joe. Its been a while.

Lessee here.... I havent really done anything interesting lately. I went and saw AI with Mike a few days ago. That movie was really good. I enjoyed it a lot. ^.^ It was about 9 or so when the movie ended so Mike and I came to my house and talked to Mindi on MSN Messenger. Ive been doing that a lot. Talking to Mindi, I mean. Shes really interesting. Ive only met her, physically, twice, and yet already we're friends. I find it kind of weird since I dont make friends all that easily. Its cool though. I have had some really good conversations with her that tend to last for a couple of hours. With Mike and Justin I tend to have long conversations too. But.... they tend to be us being crazy and they dont make much sense. Course, some the conversations Mindi and I have dont make much sense either. Go figure. ^.^

Now for some work-related news: I am finally starting my four day schedule! Yay! ^.^ That means I get three days off a week. It took forever for my supervisor to do it but it starts this week. I get tomorrow, Monday, and Friday off this week. And what makes this week really good is Kenneth is gone! Thats right, idiotic, whiny, 62 year-old fart, windbag Kenneth is on vacation. Maybe we can actually get something done now.

And since I have tomorrow off, Im going fishing with my dad. Erik went today so I get to go tomorrow. I have to be up at three in morning but its going to be fun. And later Im going to go see Final Fantasy with Mike and maybe Justin. Fun fun fun! ^.^

Well I guess Ive babbled enough. Catch ya on the flip-side! :: shakes head :: Sorry bout that, it just slipped out. Bye!

6/20/01 Did you miss me? .... I thought not. Well poo on you. Where was I? Party. Movies. Breaking stuff. Oh yeah.... Good party. =p

I went to see "Shrek" with Mike, last Friday. Great movie, I laughed, I cried, I drank copious amounts of Mr. Pibb. After it was over, we went to Justin's house to return his tiny TV. The door was open but nobody anwsered when Mike knocked. So we went in and dropped the TV off on Justin's dining room table. After that little bit of trespassing we went to Mike's house. We played on his computer and his mom made us grilled cheese sandwiches. At about 9pm I went home.

I worked Saturday and then had Sunday off. Getting Sunday off was a complete surprise. Up until Thursday last week I thought I was going to be working 8-5 that day. Well my supervisor needed a stockman to work the mid-shift this Thursday and so she gave me Sunday off and is having me work Thursday instead. I thought "this is great I get a Sunday off!" I dont get weekends off much. If at all. My enthusiasm didnt last long when I realized for one Sunday off I had to work 8 days in a row. Ugh.... Im on the second day and it hasnt been too bad, and I get two more days off at the end of this stretch. Cest le vie. I hope thats right....

Thats about it. Oh yeah, I saw my old band teacher, Mrs. Moffat, last Wednesday. We talked for a bit and she was nice and gave me a ride home from work. Shes such a nice lady.

Well I guess I've babbled enough. Goodnight! :: falls asleep at desk ::

6/19/01 Sheesh, Im getting as bad as Justin about updating.

Ugh.... I havent been feeling well lately. Both physically and mentally. The physical stuff I can handle but the emotional stuff... Ive been kind of depressed lately, for no apparent reason. I dont know why, I just have. Luckily, I got do to some fun stuff that picked me up a little.

On the 10th I got to go over to Justins house for a party. It was a semi "Getting out of school" semi "just cause Justin could" party. It was fun. Diana, Mike, Jeremiah, and Mindi were there as well. This was the second time I have met Mindi and Jeremiah. The first time being quite a while ago and I didnt really say much more than "hi" to them. This time I actually talked a little, mostly to Mike, Justin, and Mindi. We watched some movies, ate some pizza, there was rough-housing, things got broken, and I made Mindi laugh. Shes a nice girl. Anyway this went on till about 4 in the morning. Like I said, fun. Good thing I had the next day off, or rather since it was 4 in the morning the rest of the day off. Diana, Jeremiah, and Mindi left at that point. And as is our wont, Mike and I stayed for another half-hour dragging our feet. Eventually, Justin kicked us out. Good party.

Crud I gotta go. I'll finish later.

6/2/01 ::grumbles:: Apparently you have to update in order for your "friends" to actually talk to you. :b FINE.... but it wont be interesting. ^.^

Hmmm... actually a lot happened in the past week, some of it interesting, some of it, how shall I say it? NOT. :: aside :: Bad punctuation? Please. You should see my spelling of missappropriation. :b :: Glares at self :: ANYWAY....

Saturday: I worked like a dog, the old Martha Lake Elementary School burned, and my brother had a migraine and didnt come to work. Not relevant? Just a sec.

Sunday: I worked again. I worked from 8 to 5. I worked for most of the day alone. Why? Dave, one of the other stockmen called in. Sick, (ie partied till dawn, hung over sick) apparently a migraine. Fine, I said, I can handle being by myself till Erik (my brother) is in at 12. To which I get the cryptic reply "Hes probably not going to be in." HUH? I attempt to ask why, and am told that I cant be told something as simple as why he isnt coming in. Umm.... Time out here. They are telling me my only support for two hours until the next stockman gets in isnt going to be in? And they wont tell me WHY? Thats important information. So finally 12 rolls around and Erik does come in. Phew! We work together till 2 when I finally go to lunch. Now comes the hard part.

I get back from lunch and Erik is gone. Not that I didnt expect it, he was going to lunch as soon as I got back. I work for two hours and dont see him, again not unusual, I was really busy. I go home at 5. I get home at around 5:30. There sitting in front of the TV is Erik. I ask him why he isnt at work. He drops a bombshell. He got fired.

OF ALL THE STUPID HALF-ASSED THINGS!!! They fired one of the best stockmen they have when they only have 5 FREAKIN STOCKMEN!!!!!!

. . . . . .

Sorry. Im still angry about it. We used to have 8 stockmen until 3 of them all up and quit. We have been struggling with only 5 for about a month. But the thing is two of the stockmen left are morons. Complete and utter morons. Kenneth is a 62 year old man doing, or rather NOT doing a job for teenage boys. Shawn, who may or may not be gay,insane, or stupid, is the master of finding little meaningless jobs when we need him outside. :: sighs, rubs forehead and takes ten advil :: Then Ive got Dave and Erik who work really hard and do a good job. Now I just have Dave. Who, is either going to quit or may get fired. :: groans, reaches for more advil :: And then theres me. I work really hard, from pushing back my lunch back until Im just going home early to having low blood sugars every couple of minutes just so the ingrates inside can have carts. Bitter? Who? ME? Nah.

Well, we managed to get through the week, barely, and got to today. Which, say it loud! SUCKED!!! S-U-C-K-E-D!!!!!!!

I wont bother talking about today. Work wise at least. I got home today and was in a good mood despite being soaked to the bone. I watched Rocky and Bullwinkle the Movie and ate home-made pizza with my brother, sister and dad. That movie was funny. The pizza was good too. So today ended all right. Bright note work-wise, we should be getting two new stockmen. Yay! Then I tell my boss Im cutting down my hours. I REALLY need more time off.

Sheesh, this update was cheerful. Umm..... I think Ive said enough. Something happy next update, I promise. Bye! :: whistles off-key and stares into space ::

5/23/01 Heh heh. I feel lots better. Nothing like spending over 12 hours in a deep sleep. Wondering how? Combination of Allegra and something with a long name I cant remember the name of. Slept like a log. Felt a lot better. That was Monday. I love having a pharmacy tech for a mom. That and she gets all my drugs. Insulin dependant diabetic if you are wondering. Any cute diabetic girls reading? ....I thought not. Dang.

Well, anyway I missed work on Monday due to heavy sleeping. I of course called in. Tuesday was actually my day off. I awoke refreshed and ready to spend a long day lazing around the house. It was really hot. Ick. I hate being hot. I countered that by turning the thermastat all the way down, opened every window in the house that could be opened, and turned on all the fans that I could find.

Once the house was kind of cooled, I played Onimusha on the PS2 most of the day. I alternated that and finishing my Gundam models. HAHA! I FINALLY finished one of them! I finished the Wing Gundam 1/100th model. It looks really good.

Well that was the past two days. Today I worked. I finally wore sun-screen/block whatever the heck it was. I burned anyway. ::sighs:: Today was boring, and though I am ashamed to admit it, I spent a lot of time girl watching. ::hangs head in shame:: Im sorry. Im a guy. I cant help it. ::speaks slowly through gritted teath:: Hormones.... taking.... over.... brain! NOOOOOO!!!!

Maybe I just work too hard most of the time to notice or the nice weather is making it more obvious, but there are a lot of women who shop at Wal-Mart. And I mean A LOT. The higher percentage of women in the world all the sudden hits home.

Sorry girls, that just kind of came out. Im so sorry. I feel ashamed. Ill punish myself so you dont have to. ::beats head into desktop:: Ouch. ::falls over unconscious::

::slowly regains consciousness:: Oww. What happened? Oh. Sheesh. Well at least I got it out. Umm. I better shut up before I get hurt. ::twiddles thumbs as screen fades to black::

5/21/01 Okay, its 1 in the morning and Im updating... I think Im insane. Maybe its the allergies. My heads going to explode, hopefully all over my boss tomorrow... make that later today. And theyll let me go home early. Ugh. Yeah.... right. ::coughs and winces:: Ouch. Better yet not to go in at all.

I dont think I've mentioned it yet but I work at the friendly neighborhood Wal-Mart. Quit laughing, you havent heard anything yet. I push carts and lift heavy things..... basically, Im a mule. Sound like fun, huh? Wait it gets better. I have the distinction of being the only original stockman left from when we opened in 1999. Yup. Thats right. Two years of pushing carts.

You may wonder where Im going with this. To tell the truth I dont know. Its late and Im pissed that I spent the day running carts for ungrateful people only to find out nobody else was coming in to close. My brother, who also is a stockman, had opened. I had the mid 10-7 shift. It sucked. Major league. Hardcore. S-U-C-K-E-D!

Ooh, I found out where I was going!

So I guess Im just stressing right now. Maybe going to bed would help. If I could stop coughing long enough to actually fall asleep would be cool. Sheesh.

Well enough feeling sorry for my throat. I managed to add to my story page. Someone had to prod me along on that one. Well I guess Ill go to bed then. Night all!

5/8/01 Is it just me or am I updating too often? Eh, doesnt matter. Got some new stuff for ya.

Legin's Legends. Sounds pretty. I like it. New page, its pretty self-explanatory. Sorry about the huge letters screaming out about the links and then the links are so dinky. I'm still figuring things out.

5/6/01 Right. If I have to type this one more time I will scream and something WILL be broken. I've had some problems with my computer and I've lost this particular update 3 times already. Ugh.

K. Im going to introduce myself. My name is Nigel Peter Thorkildsen. In case you are wondering, yes, Norwegian. You are very perceptive. Although I am mostly English with some Dutch swimming in the shallow end of the pool. I am 19 years old, tall, blond, blue eyed and tolerable to look at.

Sheesh.... This sounds like a bad personal ad.

Anyway, I like to draw, read, I am a gamer to an extent. I'm obsessed with Star Wars. There, I said it. I recently got into anime (Japanese animation). I like Dragonball Z and anything Gundam. My favorite anime movies are Ghost in the Shell and Princess Mononoke. I have other faves but I dont want to bore you.

Ugh..... Did I just say "faves"? Ewww.....

4/27/01 Nothing new..... except for my shiny new guestbook. Take a peek. Go on. You know you want to.

4/24/01 Launch day... theres nothing here yet. ::hangs head in shame:: Well what do you expect? Im lazy. Well, that and I just started. Right now text, and later.... more text... ummm, yeah. Well I guess Ill just say hi to everybody then. HI EVERYBODY! All 4 of you... yeah right. I wish. ^.^

Just in case you're wondering who EVERYBODY is....

Mike: My best friend of nearly 6 years. Or is it 5 now? I cant remember. Anyway Mikes a great guy, bit stiff sometimes but hey I need a straightman. He loves his Lightwave (3-D drawing program) and his computer. Good artist. Bit weasely though. Just kidding bud.

Justin: Computer nerd. Thats all I have to say. Nah, Ill say more. Ive known him since 7th grade where apparently I was a burden to him. I wont let you forget you told me that Justin! ^.^ But since then we've become good friends and he's always ready to sarcasm you to death. ^.^

Diana: One of the nicest people in the world and pretty to boot. She rounds out the group. Id say more but Id just be paraphrasing what others have already said.

Carrie: Ill get smacked for whatever I say about her. She's really nice but shes kind of a flirt. I think Ill leave it at that. ::gets smacked from 10 miles away:: I dont see her as much as I see Mike, Diana, and Justin.

This is what I like to call my "core" group of friends. In other words the ones that still talk to me. And admit that they know me. ^.^ As for some of my other friends theres Lisa, Matt H.,Larry, Nick and it goes on. These friends I dont get to see as often either because they go to school out of state or just because weve gotten out of touch.

Well anyway thats it for my first day. I dont think I messed up too badly. See ya!