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DrEa'S pAgE

Last Updated: July 10, 2002

summers here and damn is it hot or what?! haha. ths page was so outdated so i jus came back to chage a few thangs..

drea timberlake loves justin timberlake

Name: drea timberlake..[yes angelica its REALLY timberlake.. hahah ur funny]

Location: bay area

Bday: October 15

Luvstatz: jus crushin.. =)

Hobbies: chattin, phone, goin out, jus havin fun..and always lovin nsync =)


my l.a. babies.. david and jacil..

len and me.. milking the cow. =)

Favorite Quotes: *the reason why i didnt say 'i love you'.. was because i was scared i might actually mean it..* - *dont cry coz its over.. smile coz it happened* - *nothing is more painful than realizing he meant everything to you.. and you meant nothing to him* - *the hardest thing to do is watch the person you love.. love somone else* - *take risks, coz if you dont, you live your life wondering "what if"..* - *Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't..(thanx trina)*

Favorite Songs: Work it- Nelly feat. Justin.. Dilemma- Nelly feat. Kelly.. How do i say- Usher.. Barenaked- Jennifer Love Hewitt

Lyrics: We don't have to do a thing at all,we can take our time and talk. And this is the way things need to be, no pressure from you and none from me. -Dru Hill

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*HoT Sh!+*


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