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Ze Airkives (the Archives)

July 9, 2002
Forgot to mention this before, but all the runes and symbols associated with BPS are now on the rune page. I've changed the code of the forms to make them more morgi-friendly (user firendly? hell no! why would I go and do something nice for you?), so I encourage you to send in homeworky links and anti-drugs. Of course, i'm always encouraging you to do anything or everything, but that's beyond the point. Who's in the mood for a form on the writing page? Or, perhaps you would enjoy an inspirational prompt to encourage your creative juices? Or perhaps, you want me to leave your juices as they are, you're writing seven hundred stories as it is, thanks very much? (I know I am.) This isn't much of an update, seeing as these are happening in such rapid succession, but I'm sure none of you mind. My greatest concern is that some of you may miss my brilliant and witty updation messages, and I'm so thankful that I had the sense to create the archives page long ago last year. Okay, you can tell that I'm running out of things to say (I'm getting arrogant! Good Gods!), so I'll wind this message up. I added to the quotes page (just a little under hyperbole and depression), and I got rid of the Art Page because it's useless and I really should have known better than to put pictures of people on-line. I actually put up May's stories and poems on her writing page, so go and looka that. Oh, and with the Runes Page I wanted to remind you guys that if pictures don't load, it's probably a fault of the internet or you computer, because I ...(trying to avoid arrogance) ... I would never put something on-line for you guys if I hadn't checked and double checked it for perfection. love, morgi.

July 8, 2002
Everyone! Everyone! I'm so SMART! I just figured out how to make tables, and I made one on the Rantings Page, and it's SOOOO beautiful! You can read it SOOOO easily! It's gorgegous! I've rarely been so pleased with myself. I can make pretty and professional website now! I'm SOOOO happy! (Or, as Maid Marian says in Men in Tights, "I'm sew heppy!", but whatever.) Anyway, even though as weblordesses go, I'm extremely behind because I only just taught my ass to do this, I'm still very proud of myself. (And "taught my ass" is a phrase. Not to be taken literally.)
Anyway, so, yeah. *sigh* I should be adding stuff you sent me, but I'm instead going to play with HTML tonight. Is Amie in town? And everybody: go to the Homework Help page (Links for the Lazy). I LOVE YOU ALL AND I WILL SEE YOU IN HELL!!! *kiss, kiss, kiss* ^_^

July 2, 2002
Hi, there. Technical update. The background for the ranting page is lighter so that rants can be read more easily. I did the opposite to the background for this page for the same effect. The image map is now ...better ...sort of, but you guys won't be able to notice that. Reviewed all of the pages for code errors and typos. Put up a form on the Homework Page, and added links that May suggested. More still in furture updates.

June 26, 2002
My dearest BPSers! It is so good to be among you again. I'M SO SORRY for my absence. I'll update the quotes page later today. Do you think I should organize it? It's rather long. E-mail me about it or post on the messageboard. I put the link to the Homework page up, and soon I'll put a form there so that you can send me links. I know it's not terribly useful right now, as you just got out of school, but if you've collected any links over the school year that may be useful, send them to my e-mail or put them on the message board. I'm considering getting rid of the artwork page and combining it with the writing page. Will people please send me their writing. Even Bridgette or Sarah. ARG! My brother and his friend are playing a PlayStation2 war game in the next room and it's excruciatingly annoying the way they're so into it and they keep screaming, and the TV keeps crying out "The ENEMY general has FALLEN to my BLADE!" Screw the enemy general (oh, wait, he's already dead). Anyway, sorry again that I went so awol on you. I've been wanting to use that word for a while now (awol: Absent With Out Leave). So, um, yes. SYIH!!!

February 16, 2002
Damn it! I typed this thing once and then my stupid computer did a little unwanted "editting" for me and I have to retype it. Oh well. Anything for you guys. I think I said that I updated May's page and the quotes page, and if you haven't seen Adam's page you should, and if you don't think that Adam's page is funny you should. I also said that I wanted to rewrite the site to make it prettier and more user-friendly, and asked if you wanted frames, and told you to give suggestions. I also asked what you guys wanted out of this website, and if there was anything useful that you thought I could add. Rene, remember that homework website we wanted to make in 7th grade? I could set up a link page, but I'll only bother if you guys want me to. I just updated the Rantings page, too. Anyway, I'LL SEE ALL OF YOU IN HELL!!! (You know, some people might consider that an insult. Little do they know that it's a term of endearment.)

December 13, 2001
Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I fell behind with school work, but noew that the science fair is over, I should be okay, and hopefully update more often. Apparently the date of publication for the fifth Harry Potter book has been set back to fall of next year, so I've got time to finish of my fanfic. Sarah's finally planned her birthday party, hoorah. Hey, I'm goning to update Adam's page tonight hopefully, so you guys should check that out. No rainbows this time though. I've got a new comp, which is really fast, but all my info is on the old one, so you guys' runes may not get on the rune page this year. Please send me stuff. I'll upddate what I can tonight. I've got to prep for a debate tomorrow, so I won't be able to do as much as I'd want. Pray to the porcelain gods for peace in Afganistan, or for Bush and Cheney to simultaneously die.

October 23, 2001
Hey, Halloween is just around the corner. I've got to find some vampire teeth. Anyway, I finally updated. I'm sorry it took me so long. I added a new rant and quote. I put all the runes up, and I put Adam's long awaited poem about truth on his writing page. I made some revisions to the main page, too, and I finally proofread to song. I'm glad to see an elevated level of traffic at the site. Anything you want to send me would be greatly appriciated- specifically art, quotes, and anything you've written would be very cool. May and Sarah and I are writing back and forth ' stuff, and if any of you guys want to do that, it would be appreciated. Question: Would you want me write out all of the BPS letters on the site so you can access them? Please answer via e-mail or on the message board. I hope the next gap between updates isn't so large. Toodles!

August16, 2001
(I kind of lost the update in between the 1st of July and the 16th of August, so that's why there is such a large gap. I was not being neglegent. ^_^)Right, so I'm updating, and the only who will appreciate this fact is May, and me, I guess. I get some sort of fulfilment(sp?) out of of being noble and still carrying on my duties as webmasteress (don't like mistress, and there's no one around to complain. I could even use weblordess, and would anyone notice? No). So, I've updated the Rantings Page with a highly spirited rant of May's, and I've updated...other stuff. The Art Page is going up! Who will cheer with me? "Not I," said the Rienna. "Not I," said the Graci. "Not I," said the Adam. "Not I," said the Amie. But I'm giving them too much credit; that would imply that they know what's going on. Okay, so Amie gets back on Saturday, and Graci and Rene probably won't look again until school is in session. One thing though, Adam can't stay in a cabin in Michigan for, what, four weeks now? "I smell guilt."- Voldie. So, anyway, the leettle red hen (I am the Little Red Hen)and her friend the acorn are- oh, wait, that's Chicken Little. They should all fry at Micky D's anyway. So the Art Page is going up, and I'm updating the Rune Page, and I changed the Archives. I might get around to going over the Song. I never know. I don't have much motivation. Anyway, so I'm calling your houses. Mwahah.

July 1, 2001
Woohoo! Go me! I'm going to Alaska this week, so you'll be without a webmaster. Gee, you all look so sad. You guys are just so active when it comes to the website. So, I expect my inbox to be flooded when I get back. Flooded. Flooded with rants and e-mails about how you want your webpages updated and ideas for a new site layout and suggestions, and things you want done on the site and that you got bored and decided to e-mail me to entertain yourselves and stuff that you've written for the Writing Page and that you've all been good friends to Graci and you called her and told her about new stuff on the site and sent me stuff that she can't send because she doesn't have internet. Yar, all that. This update, I added a rant to the rantings page, changed the rant issue, and opened the writing pages. I wanted to wait until there was something on everyone's page, but I wanted to open the page before I left (plus, I may never get anything from some of you). Read each others' stuff. I warn you though, that all my stuff is depressing poems except for the story of morgaisa. I think I'm going to make an archives page. 'n stuff. I'll send you all post cards, except Adam who didn't give me his zip code (nimrod). Byee!

June 13, 2001
Well, I'm working on the Art and Writing pages that I promised. Amie, did you get an e-mail about them? I think I sent it to your quail woman account. Tell me if you need one. I just finished the Anti-Drug Page, which is pretty cool, you guys should check it out and use it. I actually used HTML on something semi-complicated! Graci turned 14 on the 4th (Go Graci!), and Sarah, I need to know if I can take you up on that offer to be in the Sage Scribes' play. It's a minor role, and won't take very long to film the scene you are in. I updated the quotes page with a lot of crap, so go look at that. Thank you again to Ingrid321 from whom I am stealing a lot of these quotes. I changed the links to your Societal webpages, and if you have any problems with the image map please tell me. Suggestions for the new look for the web page are being accepted now. I know you guys like it, but you have to admit that it is getting a little boring. You can look at some Angelfire backgrounds here by clicking on the gif or jpg background links. Or, you can make some yourselves and send them to me. My e-mail is at the bottom of the page. Use it!

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