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Lady's Guide To Basic Stuff

By LadyAshley #34075 & #34092

Wajas Basics

In this part of the website, i will cover the ENTIRE layout of wajas,
and explain all definitions, options, etc.

When you first reach the Wajas website, you will of course need to log in.

You will then be taken to a page that will look something like this:

So first we will discuss the layout that you see here.

At the top of your screen you will see the box above.

The first part is the "Logged in As:". This is your name as it appears to everyone else. It is changeable, and should not be the same as your login name. I will explain how to change your name in the "Account Settings" part of this tour.

Your cave aka ID# is also displayed in parenthesis next to your name. If you click on your name, you will be taken to your user profile. I will discuss this more in the "User Profile" section.

Beneath your login, you will see the current Wajas time. Wajas time is Eastern Standard Time, but for people in different time zones, it helps to have a clock and set common time which they can reference to, when trying to communicate time to other players.

Next to the time is the date, which is always a nice addition, right? It means you don't have to pull up that stupid calender box on your computer's clock to check the date all of the time.

On the right side of the box, you will see "Waja Credits" and "CWP".

Wajas has two sets of currency. The first is the most commonly used, WC, or Waja Credits. These are the basic wajas standard, and can be gained from mini-games, selling wajas to the Obsessed Waja Fan, Random Events, or from other players.

The only other way to obtain WC is through having an account upgrade. For this, you will have a 10k WC weekly salary.

If you click your WC amount (which is a link) you will be taken to your bank account, which will be discussed later, on the "World" page you can find below, under "Menus".

The second is CWP. CWP stands for Crazy Wajas Points. It can only be obtained through purchase with REAL money. 1 CWP is worth 1 US Dollar. You can also sometimes purchase it from other players for a good amount of WC.

CWP is used to purchase account upgrades, items from the monthly items, and even payment to other players for wajas, or retired items. How much WC CWP is worth is dependent upon supply and demand, and may greatly fluctuate in price.

CWP may be purchased from the "Buy CWP" page which we will discuss later.

The next part of the page to discuss are the main menu. These buttons are constantly overhead as you surf wajas, and are used for navigation.

For each one you click, a different link menu will appear to the left of the screen, as shown below.

This is the "Home" menu.

We'll go through these menus later on.

The last part of the page, are the links at the bottom. These lead to the TOS or Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and Credits page.

The Wajas Inc. link just connects back to the start page.

Of course it's always important to read the Terms Of Service before playing any game, and Privacy Policy any time you give out any personal information, or make any type of online payment.

The credits link doesn't seem to work at all right now.

User Profile

When you click your name at the top of the screen, (or any other person's name in forums, email, etc) you will be taken to a user profile.

We will be discussing the user profile in sections.
The first is shown below.

In this section, you will see the User's name displayed at the top.

Directly below are two buttons which I have circled in red. These are your add/ignore buttons. By pressing the left button (with the green plus) you will add a person to your buddy list. By pushing the right button (with the red x) you will take a person off of your buddy list, and add them to your ignore list. Users on your ignore list cannot send you messages, items, or WC.

Below these two buttons will be a message displaying the player's online status. (Offline or Online)

Below that, their Avatar will be displayed, if they have one.

On the right hand side of the box there will be an ordered list of other details.

The first is the date the player joined wajas.

The second is the last date the player was logged in to wajas.

Status tells you what kind of upgrade the account holds. If it has no upgrade, it will say "Normal". Golden waja accounts are upgraded for a certain amount of time before they expire, and Platinum accounts NEVER expire. Platinum accounts are no longer available to normal players, and are currently an administrator option only.

If the account is a Golden Waja account, the "Upgraded Through" bullet will tell you what date the account expires.

Below all of this the player's Shop link is displayed. If you click this, you will be taken to their shop.

Shops will be further discussed on the "Home" page, which you can find listed below, in the "Menus" section.

The "About this player..." text has no current function.

Next is a circular area containing the text "Would you like to send a message?". If you click this area, the following box will drop down from the text:

If you wish to send a message, type out the title, and body of the message, and click the send button.

Below this is another area labeled "My Flower Patch". For a while there was a "give flower" option, through which, if desired, you could give a player one flower. This could be done once per profile.

Flowers have no in-game function, they were just a cute idea implemented by Estuko. Hopefully, this will be fixed in the future, but until then, don't worry if your profile says "How sad... no flowers..."

The final part of the profile is on the right side of the screen. However, it has not yet been completed. Here you will find a "View Cave" Link, that will take you to view the person's cave, and wajas.

There is also some text labeled "Breed:" But this has no current function. It is rumored that you will be able to display three of your favorite wajas here once complete.


I have divided the different menus into different pages, for better organization, since a single menu may hold many links that need discussing.

