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Realm of the Wraiths

Sup Yall ..

Most of you know us as Draven and Tiffeny ... The one and only ... well here's our attempt at a new krew without drama. Our mission is to rid yahoo of all the krews that start more drama than they help extinguish. If you would like to join us in the Terror of Lamers and Drama Kings And Queens ... Fill out an application.

Here is a bit of information about Draven and Tiffeny:

Draven has been on yahell for over 4 1/2 years. He's seen the good and bad side of yahoo. He's been in a few crews and owned a few crews as well. He's about ridding yahoo of the bullshit. "It's time for the lamers and the assholes who start krews and cause more shit than they help LEAVE."

Tiffeny has been on yahell since September of 2002. She as well has been in and owned a few crews. She is tired of crews taking over rooms and bully'n other members of yahell who are just trying to have a good time. " The Wraiths of Darkness (pronounced RAYTHS) are going to be a krew to be reckoned with."

It's about RESPECT not fear !!!

~~ Rules and Regulations ~~
~~ Wraiths ~~
