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A native Japanese is writing for an MBA program.

Some writers, who
have confidence in their work, require
proofreading only.

Your writing tells people who you are, and, as such, it is your business card for the scientific community. Most importantly, how you express yourself in writing tells your readers about your professional expertise. If you are serious about your publication, it must be written correctly. That means not only flawless English, but also the dynamic flair that makes the ordinary into the exceptional paper.

If you use English as a foreign language in your work, you should spend your time perfecting your discipline. You must stay focused on the skills that matter most in your profession.

We will make your English perfect. Let us think about the details of English communication, whick is what we love to do.


You are encouraged to contact us by any means you want. Of course email is the easiest and preferred method, but we will respond promptly to any method that works for you.

Electronic mail
      General Information: jerry@wordrighter.com
      Sales: jerry@wordrighter.com
      Customer Support: contact the editor who did your work and/or jerry@wordrighter.com

Webmaster: web@wordrighter.com


Postal address
     97 Tanakamiya-cho, Takeda, Kyoto-fu 612-8444

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