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<h1 align=center><h3>MY LITTLE CORNER OF THE WEB</h3>

A little about this site:


Security Page


Another link could be had here

Here is where a savvy HTML LIbrary user would place another link

A "hyper-link" could go here

What I'm trying to create here, is a place to link to various subjects in regards to the sciences. The links will be scholarly studies and thesis that have been posted to the web. There will also be a news section, with links to articles that I find interesting, and a security section. This section contains FREE downloads for various security and privacy software. You'll also notice a photo section. This will be my last priority. As I'm not all that keen on posting private pictures of myself or my family, when I do post them, they will be along the lines of serene. I hope that anyone who visits this site comes away with a little more knowledge than when they entered. Feel free to sign my guestbook and tell me what you think.
