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Here is a shot from our seats. Not too shabby! We had a great view of the bull pens and cowboys getting ready for their rides.


How bout some cheese to go with that ham! hehe Here we are at the rodeo!


Jack took this picture of the horses used by the ladies that wave the advertisment banners and entertainment.


Here is a mexican rider/roper. He provided some great entertainment. He showed us some awesome lasso tricks and horse dancing. He even stood on the back of a horse and jumped through his own lasso! I forget his name but his beautiful horse's name is Pinto Bean. hehe


Here is a blurry shot of one of the cowboys riding a bare back bronc (bronco). The points are bassed on staying on for at least 8 seconds and style - how well you "spur."


Here is a cowboy with his roped steer. 


A pissed off bull! Look out!


A cowboy and his bull smashing into the gate near the audience. What if that bulls hove came through a piece of the fencing?! YIKES! A lot of the bulls did buck up some chunks of dirt and mud on the front row though. haha




Steer ropin - gettin it done!


   Got it done!



Sorry about the quality on most of the pictures. Bad lighting and high action shots don't mix very well. Next year we're taking the video camera!

All in all the show was pretty good. It was nice for Jack and I to have an afternoon to ourselves (Grandma watched Lane). We have vowed to take him next year though, at least he'll be able to enjoy the free pony rides then.

The team roping was really neat to watch but didn't provide much. Either the horses were too fast and out running the calves or the calves were proving to be smarter then we thought. (Team roping has 2 riders, one rider has to get the rope around the head, the other has to get it around the back TWO legs.) Only one team out of about 8 or 9 actually got points. And about two teams came close, but would miss a leg. Everyone else didn't even make it! Too bad!

One cowboy was injured. He was getting ready to ride his bronc but when the horse bucked in the gate (were they get ready to open up out on to the arena) it injured him somehow. The anouncer said he was okay and breathing but they took him to the local hospital - just to be sure.

Well, I guess that's all.


  I've double checked and all pictures should work. let me know if they don't