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Date November 4, 2001

Teacher NameKatie Warren

Subject English Language Arts


Entertainment during the Historical Period 1929-1937


Novel A Long Way to Chicago by Richard Peck

Music of the Great Depression 

Non-fiction articles related to entertainment during the Great Depression

Goals: Aims/Outcomes
1.To gain a better understanding forms of entertainment written during the Great Depression

2.To become familiar with music from the Great Depression
3.To realize the important and purpose of entertainment during the Great Depression

1.Students will analyze poems written by various authors during the Great Depression.

2.Students will listen and interpret music written during the Great Depression.
3.Students will create a found poem from articles about entertainments during the Great Depression.

4.Students will research the Library of Congress American Memory for information regarding the entertainers during the Great Depression through a Web Quest.


Students will peer evaluate found poems using a student generated rubric.

Teacher will evaluate the Web Quest on entertainment during the Great Depression.

Materials and Aids

NovelA Long Way From Chicago

Selected forms of entertainment from the Great Depression era

Library of Congress American Memory Collection

computers with Internet access

multi-media projector



A. Introduction
Teacher will use an analogy to make a connection of how music reflects the lifestyles of the period of time.Teachers will play a modern selection of music and have students brainstorm how it tells about the life in our world today.

B. Development
1.Teacher will present a power point presentation on entertainment during the Great Depression.

2.Class discussion will be conducted throughout the presentation.

C. Practice
Divide students into groups and give each group an article about entertainment during the Great Depression.Students will create a found poem using the article and share it with the class.

D. Independent Practice
1.Students will research entertainers from the time period and gather information about the person using the Library of Congress American Memory.

2. Students will complete the Web Quest on entertainment during the Great Depression.

3.Students will give an oral presentation of their information to the class. 

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)
1. Teacher will group students so as to accommodate different learning styles.

2. Groups will be formed to include both girls and boys to get different viewpoints.

F. Checking for understanding
1.Teacher will monitor understanding by listening and asking questions throughout the various discussion.

2.Teacher will monitor small group work and ask questions that reflect student opinions regarding the purposes of entertainment during the Great Depression.

G. Closure
Teacher will play a musical selection from the Great Depression and ask students to write a reflection in their journals of the their thoughts and feeling regarding the piece.

H.  Standards

This unit study will address the South Carolina Standards for Eighth Grade English Language Arts.

Teacher Reflection