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//insert witty title here

04.17.03 @ 0107 PST by Warthen:
Holy Fuck

04.15.03 @ 1650 PST by Warthen:
I added an amazingly funny video to the relevant info section. I wouldn't think it's exactly relevant, but there's no where else, so there it shall remain.

04.15.03 @ 0147 PST by Warthen:
OK, it's updated, but the nav bar is still attempting to rape the site, as can be evidenced by the central positioning. Or maybe it's because I'm using Mozilla. Who knows.

04.15.03 @ 0109 PST by Warthen:
[01:05:21] Axipax: content, boy, content!

Yes ma'am, I do try. Well, I have returned, and I dragged the new nav bar in with me. So anyways, I've most likely been over whatever ailment that was I mentioned earlier for some months now. My birthday came and went, in fact, it "went" a month ago. No, I didn't get the sniper rifle. Yes, I'm dissapointed too.

As I write this, our troops are currently running amuck in what used to be Saddam-town (Tikrit). A glorious sight indeed. On that note, I have become aware of a marvelous piece of internet known as the Gulf War 2 Drinking Game. It is certainly a sight to behold, as I'm sure some of you can attest to, those that have traveled there from my profile. And on that note, yes, I still think the French need to cram a frog's leg up a certain orifice of which they smell profusely.

Back to updates, site wise, I think the relevant info is up, with an entry. An entry about disposing of hookers. An excellent entry.

02.21.03 @ 1300 PST by Warthen:
I have -cue horror music- a cold. It is quite a strange variety of cold, seeing how my head was never brimming over with mucus, and yet, my throat feels as though the mucus has slicked it to the point where you, my friend, could hop in a tiny bobsled, and use my esophagous as a practice course for the Winter Olympics. Oh, on a second note, I have a new navigation structure created, and it is waiting in the wings, waiting, with baited breath, you might say, to be put in. Yes, that will be a momentous occasion indeed.

PS: I put up a somewhat joking version of my birthday list, if you care to see it, it is in My Info.

02.17.03 @ 2118 PST by Warthen:
Ok, so things are moving along quite nicely: The "My Info" and "Quotes" sections are up, barring angelfire's stupidity.
Hopefully I will get a new nav bar set up sometime soon, so I'm not using that damn table over there... /points. Well, back to it.

PS: If any of you can come up with a title, do tell me, please.

02.17.03 by Warthen:
Welcome to my site. It's a kind of hybrid profile/information repository. As you can tell, it is *not* done yet. Nor is it anywhere near being done. When it is done, it should look pretty dang good, or at least that's the plan. Well, that's all I can think of at the moment. Out.