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Three Star General is band that isn't quite sure what it is yet, but we're working really hard and we're sure having a website must mean something in our path to recording an album.
In the meantime, go visit They're ezistant! Or were. The Shelby we refer to is the one there.

anna- guitar, back-up vocals
Kami: guitar, flute, maybe back-up vocals
Ellen: bass, lead vocals
Sara: lead guitar, lead and back-up vocals

3/2/04 anna here. Since the band isn't being productive except in updating the site, why not go listen to Nellie McKay while you wait? Links on the link page.

3/1/04 Kami, here. I felt I should do an update, because I've never used an Angelfire account before (it's weird here!). So, yep. I just wanted to say...That...*pause for drama*...*suspense, suspense*...*oh, the tension!*...*tell us, please! we're dying to know!*...*hurry up or we'll kill you!*...I have a song that I want us to cover! anna has heard my version of it; I have it recorded on my computer. Which none of you get to hear. Yet. Or maybe you never will; it doesn't matter to me. Also, anna has given me permission to ruin-I MEAN, add little bits of whatever to the website if I want (i.e., if you hover over the links on the main page with your mouse, you'll see words in the status bar! I swear to Gwen, WORDS! can you believe it?). Anyways, this post has gone on long enough. So bye! Oh, also, here's a cool link you might like-


2/25/04 i figured our fans deserved a monthly update, so here it is. i think the band is on hiatus, since Sara is all busy singing in the rain and we like her house best for stuff. Eventually we'll have something for you. i promise.

1/25/04 It's shocking, but we're writing a song! Out of a guitar thing anna has been kicking around for a year at least. And then we recorded "Mattie Groves" out of spite. See Shelby? We do things!

12/19/03 Woo-hoo! It's been two months and school HAS NOT DESTROYED our very souls. We handed Ellen a bass and made her start learning. And Sara's playing with her MANDOLIN, which is NOT a ukelele. Kami and anna are playing with the computer and naming their unborn and not-really-real children- Jesus and Betty, that's hay-sus, not jee-zuhs. We should probably work on mastering Jingle Bells. Heart to you!

10/19/03 Yes, we know, it's been a month and we've said nothing.
Short answer: We're tired, busy, but at least practicing individually.
Long answer: Kami has been working on stuff and practicing. i'm not sure about Rain's creative output, but she's been singing, anyway. Sara has at least been playing songs (especially "Sound of Silence," which we make her play whenever there's a guitar around), so that's practice.
What about anna, you ask? anna really needs to write some of what she's feeling into music, instead of having flashes of creativity that don't last long enough to have two verses written.

Anyway. We should have something finished by some point. If school doesn't destroy our very souls, that is.

9/19/03 You thought we were dead, didn't you?
We aren't.

We are working on some songs, but we're also in school, and theater, and so we're busy. But songs are being written.

8/12/03 anna here, sitting at Sara's computer. We did record an uber-rough version of "Late at Night," but it's not for public consumption. It's for Ellen to learn from to sing the lead.
But it's a recording, even so.

And then the band lied to anna and said she had an interesting singing voice.

Later, Ellen made a new logo for the band, and anna put it here. And marveled at that Ellen isn't being called Rain anymore.

more from 7/16/03 Kami, also known as the first fan, is now a member of Three Star General. She will be a guitarist and possibly occasional flutist.

5/17/03 Hey all, Rain here. What? You didn't think I'd let anna hog all the fun of working on the site, did you? I decided it wasn't colorful enough, and have thrown my wondeful color sense all through the website. Yay! Oh, minor note. When did I become lead vocals?

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Band Bios!
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