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5 Year Anniversary

April 27, 2003

5 years ago today, we started dating. It hasn't been a perfectly smooth ride, but it has been interesting, unpredictable. Overall, it has been great. I have never met anyone like you and every day you do or say something that surprises me. And you can always make me laugh and smile, no matter how cranky I am or how early in the morning it is. I love the way you look at me. I love how cute you are. I still get butterflies from being with you. I am not a poet, and I know it! So, at the bottom of the page there is some quotes and a poem that describe how I feel about you. But simply, I love you and you are my best friend.

Easter Chad and Val at Easter 2003 Easter The Hagens at Easter
Hawaii Chad with his socks
Hawaii Chad with his socks
Chad Prom's pictures
Chad At Senior Prom, 2000

Love Quotes

"Love isn't like a reservoir. You'll never drain it dry. It's much more like a natural spring. The long and farther if flows, the stronger and deeper and clearer it becomes." -Eddie Cantor

"If I know what love is, it is because of you." -Herman Hesse

"Love is a game that two can play and both win" -Eva Gabor

Love Poem

Love is very patient
very kind
Love knows no jealousy;
Love makes no parade,
gives itself no airs,
is never rude
never selfish
never irritated
never resentful;
Love is never glad when others
go wrong,
Love is gladdened by goodness
always slow to expose,
Always eager to believe the
Always hopeful
Always patient.
Love never disappears.

A few love links

Romance 101

Inexpensive, fun date ideas

The love police: to keep you in line

Our song

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