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Hi Everyone,

There has been so many cruel and snide remarks made about the people in West Palm Beach ... such as
"They're Too Stupid To Vote!" also "It's Not De Ballot It's Dementia!" , etc., etc.! I feel I'd like to make a comment (I hope objective) in their defense.

The problem down there in (WPB) is aging bodies and brains... We all face the awful fact that we are losing a little of our faculties each and every day. There is nothing more comical than a young person or anyone in good physical and mental shape, judging the elderly. Wait until it's their turn!

I worked in the office of a cemetery where one could see first hand how people in their 80's and 90's barely cope. Upon opening payments mailed for "PreNeed" contracts we would get unsigned checks, signed checks without anything else written on them, confusion about payments...and many times handwriting so shaky it wasn't legible.

I hate to be a Monday morning quarterback ... but the person who designed that WPB ballot ought to be hit 100 times with a wet noodle.

First punch hole - Bush,

Second punch hole-Buchanan... give me a break.... A lot of these old folks are barely hanging on to their common sense judgements (not to mention poor eyesight) and even with their age diminished wisdom, they felt as though "First hole - Bush" so it must be "Second hole - Gore".

A sad truth is that some of these old guys won't even be around for another 4 years but while they are alive ... their vote should count!!!!



PS: Anyway, that's my opinion and we all know about opinions don't we....


(BELOW) Click Green Buttons for links on Judging Others from different points of view.


Judging Others (Latter Day Saints)

(Faber on) Judging Others

Short cuts on Judging Others

Judging Others  (Luke 6 : 37 - 42)

Excerts from Hindi satsang

The Schism

Three Fingers pointing back

Torat Hayim--Living Torah

Walking the Path with Laurie Beth Jones

The Poison of Suspicion

What will happen?

Welcome to Sanctuary Church

The Yin Yang Page


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Council for Secular Humanism

The International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism

African Americans For Humanism (AAH)

Secular Humanism on the WWW

"You are entitled to your views, I am entitled to mine.

art by stacey k