Darlin, klic up top icorn 2 hare this hare song agin!


The hills are all green and my dog's name is Blue
I'm so damn lucky
having a sweet thang like you

Yore strong like a four-wheeler a-racin' thru the mud
Yet gentle like
that pre
tty sanger -- Miss Naomi Judd

Yore hair is like cornsilk flappin' in the breeze
than old Blue's and without all them fleas

Yore cute like a Lady-bug a-flittin' around
Not mean like no far ant a-hidin' in the ground

Yore as graceful as a mop a-slidin' cross the floor
And a
s fragrant as cherry pop fresh out of the can

You move like a deer a-leapin' thru the hay
You ain't got n
o rack but I luv you anyway

You do me rite proud struttin' thru the barroom door
Ya know all them dance s
teps when we take the floor

All them fellers around -- they all wantta know
What I did to git
me su
ch a purty, young doe

Cut from the pattern like them shorts you wear
I stare a
t you all over and have nary a care

Yore skin is purfect like sidin' made of good vinyl
I luv all of ya, dang it -- and
that's final !

Them biskits you bake and serve 'em with grits
Well I'm
in hawg heaven -- plumb outta my wits

Your chicken's the best, all dripping and greasy
Ain't no meal y'all f
ixed that made me feel q

Me 'n' you's like a Moon Pie, with a long cold drank,
We go
together; j
ust like a ham and the shank

Like a roll of good tissue yore thar fer yore man
To wip
e-up life's troubles and st
ick 'em in the can

When you hold me real tight like a padded gunrack,
My life is complete -- ain't nuttin' I lack.

Some men, they buy chocolate for their girls they say
They git it at Wal-M
art -- it's romantic that way

Some men buy fine diamonds from a flea market booth
"Diamonds are forever" I hear -- all s
uave and couth

Some men git roses for their gals as a gift
Seems flowers are supposed
to give a lady a lift

But for this man, honey, these just won't do
For you are too special, you sweet
thang you

I got you a gift without taste or odor,
Best I could find -- a new trollin' motor

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