The Official Roni Weiss Homepage (Satellite)

/wa3/roni Page Links

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Get back over to where you can find Roni-related news, including a mini-journal.  Also the place for all the links for the main TORWH stuff.
Roni records his experiences at various events and places through the use of his iPAQ, plus guests and more!
Ever get those little quizzes from friends that ask you for basic ainfo and whether sweet or sour is better?  I used to, so I figured that I would make a page for it  These are the most revealing and interesting questions that I have gotten.
My reviews of movies.
Fiction and Non-Fiction stories about Roni
Seems self-explanatory, but basically it's trivia that would seem accurate but I have made up.

Welcome to /wa3/roni. A website in transition.

This is the satellite site to the main The Official Roni Weiss Homepage. If you want pix and the like, go back over there. As I say on the main TORWH page, this is a bit of a graveyard. is one of my many, many e-mail addys.