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Rockabilly - an introduction to the dance


Rockabilly is a great variation of Rock 'n' Roll dancing. One story goes that Rockabilly (dancing) began when some Rock 'n' Roll enthusiasts were excluded from the regular Rock 'n' Roll dances. They then came up with Rockabilly a dance that turned out to be at least as cool as the original and maybe even more so. To the person on the street, the dance looks very much like Rock 'n' Roll, Jive and any number of other 50's style dances. However, to the seasoned Rockabilly dancer, nothing could be further from the truth. Rockabilly MUST be danced with “attitude? It is more smoother in style than Rock 'n' roll though it looks a little more wild. If you were trying to decide whether it's Rock 'n' Roll or Rockabilly that you are watching, the easiest way is to check out the footwork. Rock 'n' Roll has a backstep and Rockabilly doesn't. Also, Rock 'n' roll is normally danced in a more upright position.

I took up Rockabilly mostly for the fun of it. Having been a Jive person from way back I was starting to find that the years were taking their toll - Jive is, after all a very energetic dance. I was looking for something that used a little less energy and Rockabilly was it. Note that because of this principle, you wont find any of the air steps?here.

Elaine - who started learning Rockabilly with me, took up dancing and Rockabilly because her family told her to! I'm told that her teenage children said that she must get out of the house and get a life and so she did!

ockabilly is great fun to learn and do. It can be danced to a wide range of music but music with a distinctive beat is preferable. Needless to say, 50's Rock n Roll music is the most suitable. Rockabilly music too is great fun to dance to but some of it (old and new) is very fast indeed and is somewhat tricky if you are just learning or run out of engergy quickly.

You will find that teenagers sometimes haven't got much to say when they know your'e into Rockabilly. Donn't be perturbed, this is a healthy sign! It's also a good excuse for us older folk to "crank up the volume".

Having been involved in line dancing for a while I presumed that, as per line dancing, there would be a list of steps to follow (on the net). The steps would be written on sheets and allow people to practice the dance/s. I searched the net far and wide for any Rockabilly dance steps but had minimal success. I decided to put the steps that we did know "on the net" so that others could get a feel for how cool this dance is and so that they could use the list as a database of steps. The steps listed here are the ones we learnt at the Raffles Hotel in Perth, Western Australia in 2001. Unfortunately this Hotel wont be around for too much longer and will probably be converted to something where Rock n Roll isn't really appreciated (the hotel has already lost the Raffles neon). - Update, The Raffles closed on 4th of November 2003. Rockabilly is now being taught at the Mustang Bar in Northbridge, Perth (and other places).

Hint: Press Escape to stop music & F5 (refresh) to start it again Hit F11 for full screen & F11 to revert back again

* UPDATE - Well It had to happen - Rock 'n' Roll seems to be a bit easier to
learn so I've started to compile a list of steps which you will find if you click on ROCK N ROLL STEPS

The basic dance is reasonably easy to learn although you may find that the Step on You sequence is fairly
common when you first start. One bonus however, is that learning Rockabilly might actually be easier
than programming a VCR. I've had three of them so far and have really never mastered one of them!

It needs to be emphasised that these steps or sequences are only a very brief and general guide. Unless
you are very familiar with this type of dancing it would be a little difficult to learn just from this
web page. If however, you have learnt the dance, then the list will be much more useful to you. If you find any descriptions that are incorrect or you want to add to the list, please contact me via the email address at the end of the page. Finally, as this is a 50's dance I've retained the original gender descriptions ie guy and girl.

OK here are a few of the basic ideas of the dance:

The guy leads
The guys steps are quite easy compared with the girls steps however he needs to develop
the ability to lead ie to think on the spot - what step will we do next and how do we do it?
The dance is to have bounce and attitude
Most steps are initiated with the guy leading with his right hand & holding the girls right hand
The hands are held with what is known as a monkey grip - essential for all the turns and spinning
The hands are held at a low level ?as if you were about to grab your gun in its holster
On some returns the guy holds the girl's left and hand with his left hand
On other returns both hands are held
The guys hand is raised vertically to indicate a lead to certain sequences such as the Top Turn
Most steps or routines are commenced with an American Spin or a Top Turn - this is a kind
of fill-in to give a little time to think of the next step

* This is a 50's dance - if you don't someone to lead you, try line dancing!
** If you are now asking ?what type of attitude? do not go pass go, do not collect $200


- Guy holds girl's left hand with his right hand
- He leads her and she spins anticlockwise once
- The girl then spins back in the reverse direction to meet again ready for the next step - note that she does not
acually spin but takes steps in the turn which are in time with the beat

Guy puts left foot forward just a tad with the foot landing on the heel. The foot is angled from
the floor (at approximately 20 degrees) and is at a outward angle from straight ahead (at approximately 40 degrees)
He then brings the foot back to the flat position
He repeats the same step with his right foot
He then simply keeps alternating between the two steps
These same steps are incorporated into the turns - or at the very least - the timing of the steps

Girl - Moves her right knee to the left in front of the her left knee
Moves her left knee to the right in front of the her right knee
(keeps alternating the above moves - incorporating them into the turns or at least keeping the beat)

It is of benefit to count the steps eg the guy would count 1 when putting the left leg out and 2 when the right foot is out - keep counting in time with music. When you are doing the turns and other moves you would maintain the count so that you arrive at the correct count when starting the next move

When the guy and girl start - they need to be synchronised. When the guys left foot is out, the girl at that instant would have her right knee out in front of her left knee and would of course alternate on the 1 and 2 count. It is important to realize that when the girl returns from some moves the synchronisation would be out - on the next move however, this is then automatically corrected.

Rockabilly as demonstrated by Rockabilly Lou & Erica

- American Spin
- Upon return both hands are held - first his RH grabs her RH - then the other 2 hands are held - this will occur on the second half beat - their hands will be crossed over
- Go to WINDOW POSITION except that the hands are held down - not vertical
- He then pulls her across using his RH and LH - she will do an anticlockwise turn and move to his right
- His LH will still be holding her LH when this part of the move is finished
- He will then lead her again into a clockwise turn - this time letting go of her hand (this is basically the reverse of everything done previously)
- She will turn in front of him and will be going from his right to his left
- American Spin

- American Spin
- Go to the WINDOW position except that the hands are not held vertical when you arrive in the position - they are held down
- Hands are rocked for three beats - the girl steps forward - ie around the guy
- Now change to a WINDOW position in reverse and do the same again in the opposite direction
- Do the same again in the origional direction
- Top Turn - ending in Cuddle position
- Spin out - girl unravels anticlockwise
- Girl spins back to the guy
- American Spin

- American Spin
- Assume a ballroom like dance position (guy has right hand on woman's waist and holds her RH with his LH)
- However he has still maintains the monkey grip and the arms are held lower
- American spin - he pushes her into a turn - this is easy as his right hand is on her left waist
- A few basics - repeat the spin
- American Spin

- American Spin
- On return, guy holds girls RH with his LH
- He leads her into a Top Turn
- She then turns back doing a reverse top turn ie anticlockwise - as if going to a cuddle position,
however before the cuddle position is reached he stops her by placing his RH on her left waist
- He then turns her (clockwise) once and again blocks her by holding her right waist with his RH - all the
while he keeps his RH in the small of her back
- He leads her to another turn across the front of him and once again blocks with his RH on her left
waist - still keeping his RH in the small of her back
- Note that when she is moved to his left he moves to the left also - he doesn't do his normal step, instead he moves his right foot past his left foot - then he reverses this ie moves his right foot back to the other side and then he reverses this again. His left foot basically stays stationary
- He leads her to another turn across to his left in front of him - this time his left hand is lowered
- American Spin

- American Spin
- Hold both hands doing a couple of basic steps
- Still holding both hands, Top Turn to Window position (guy holds left arm in upwards position)
- Turn back again to reverse WINDOW position (this the time guy holds right arm in upwards position)
- Turn back to basic position still holding both hands
- American Spin

- American Spin
- Top Turn
- Turn back again, extend turn to almost face partner while holding hand around back
- Turn back into Cuddle position and then back again
- Girl double turns anti-clockwise (all turns other than this are clockwise)
- American Spin

- This step is similar to the Three Point Turn except that the man does a
clockwise turn after her second turn
- American Spin
- Top Turn - ie girl "spins" clockwise
- Girl turns back again - ie anticlockwise
- The man then turns clockwise (whilst still holding her hand)
- Top Turn for the girl - ie clockwise
- American Spin

- American Spin
- Upon return both hands are held except that the hands are crossed - the right hands will be on top
- Whilst keeping both hands held, the guy leads the girl into a Top Turn ie clockwise
- At the end of the Top Turn, both partners sort of rock back with arms stretched - she will be to his left
- The couple now come back together and she will turn anticlockwise - both hands are still held - this time
she will be on his right and he will have moved to the left
- The above is repeated for a third time so that she will be on his left
- Note that when she is moved to his left he moves to the right - he doesn't do his normal step - instead he moves his right foot to his right - then he reverses this ie moves his right foot back to the other side - ie behind his left foot and then he reverses this again. His left foot basically stays stationary
- Now she is brought back in and, whilst she is facing away from him, he will also do a clockwise turn - at this point only one hand is held (both right hands)
- When they are facing each other again, they do an American Spin

- American Spin
- When girl returns - both hands are held
- Rock back or sway backward & forward twice
- Guy extends left arm on last forward, lady extends left arm
- They then push off away from one another, letting go of both hands
- The girl turns anti-clockwise and the man turns clockwise
- They each do a complete turn whereby their palms connect (hence the "high 5")
- Reverse the previous move
- Repeat the previous move again
- Top turn
- American spin

- American Spin
- Guy leads with left hand
- Top Turn & Back again
- Guy places RH on girls left hip, & she spins out clockwise
- American spin

- This is similar to the GEORGEA minus the top turns at the start and finish
- American Spin
- Girl comes back again and this time both hands are held
- Hands are crossed ie right hands on top
- Top turn around into rock back position
- Reverse again & then again
- Reverse again while top turning back to original cross handed position
- American Spin - still holding both hands - until the return

- Start with a few basic steps
- American Spin or Top Turn
- 2 Push-Pulls holding one hand (RH)
- Girl steps forward to left, past man’s right side, turns & returns same way
- Repeat last line
- 2 American Spins ?Leading with different hands (man does extra step to pick up beat)

- American Spin
- Top Turn clockwise
- Top Turn anticlockwise (girl steps behind guy), guy changes hands
- Top Turns girl across in front of him, twice, ending in Cuddle position
- Girl spins out to a double Top Turn
- American Spin

- American Spin
- Both hands held and go to the Window position
- Turn back to Cuddle position
- Girl spins out sideways
- Girl turns twice anticlockwise in straight line in front of guy (5 Beats) and back again (guy holds her RH with his LH)
- Girl rolls back to Cuddle position
- Girl spins out 2 x Top Turns (guy leads with LH)
- American Spin

- American Spin
- Top simultaneous turn - girl turns clockwise (guy turns anti-clockwise)
- His left hand will be holding her right hand throughout the turn
- American Spin

- Do a Figure Eight
- Instead of the girl finishing with one top turn as in the Figure Eight she does 2 Top Turns - she does this because the guy leads her to do that by keeping holding his hand vertical so that she knows to do one more turn
- Immediately after she has finished the second turn, he whilst keeping hold of her hand, does an anticlockwise turn - his hand will be touching his right shoulder and he will continue to turn - as he continues to turn her arm will go across his back and down his (left) arm
- When they are facing each other again, his left hand will be holding her right hand
- After a few beats he will finish with either an American Spin or a Simultaneous Turn

- American Spin
- Holding both hands - 2 push-pulls (Left foot fixed)
- Guy steps forward to left of girl, leading on his right foot & turns clockwise right around into cuddle position.
- Girl spins man back 360 degrees.
- Guy "presents" his left hand (as if it were a tray)
- Hands over girl's head, both stepping into back-to-back position
- Girl's left hand holding guy's right hand over top of both heads as girl turns clockwise back into cuddle position
- Guy spins girl out
- American Spin

- Basic step
- Guy lifts his arm and leads the the girl to a clockwise top turn
- When she has completed the turn he holds his arm up so that her arm meets his (this is called the block)
- He then spins her in an anticlockwise direction and finishes this with a block as above
- Once again - she is lead into a clockwise spin
- The man brings his hand down again and leads into an American Spin to finish off

- Guy changes arm to vertical position and leads the girl
- Girl turns anticlockwise
- The man has to hold his hand above her head and keep her arm vertical as she turns

- American spin
- Both hands held - girl does Top turn, guy blocks in window hold
- Girl turns back into cuddle position, still holding both hands, lowered
- Girl spins out, holding guys right hand with her left, and then back to cuddle position
- Girl spins out again
- Girl takes two beat step forward - raises left hand and clasps guys right hand
- Top Spin twice - bring hand down BR> - American Spin

- American Spin
- Hold both hands - do a couple of basic steps - guy leads with left hand (still holding both hands)
- Top Turn to Window position
- Reverse to Cuddle position
- Girl spins out & returns to cuddle position
- Girl spins out & returns to High-5 (Man LH, Lady RH)
- Two Top Turns
- American Spin

* Whilst learning these steps I thought the names were original ones. Many of the names are most likely original but most have probably been made up.

Don't stay home - get out and move about!

Long since this web page was started You Tube has arrived so here is a clip of us dancing (Rock n Roll). We're in the green. You can also search Youtube for lastrocknroller (thats me), to find my other dance clips).

Some interesting links:
The 50's artists
Database of Jive steps
Rockabilly music and Dance-aholics!
MP3's of modern Rockabilly music (Flat Black Cadillac is good)

Dancing R from

You can find out more about dancing in Perth by contacting the following people:

Rock 'n' Roll lessons: Craig 0415 190 751 or 9354 4814

Rock around the clock music by Bill Haley

Rockabilly steps compiled and edited by
David Rhodes, Elaine Wyatt and Maureen Rhodes
Perth, Western Australia
September 2001 and onwards ...

David Rhodes Copyright 2001

The steps described here are not authoritive - they are a general guide only.

Web page last updated 14th February 2008

email address:


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