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QJ is the way- OFFICIAL web site for QJ LaMan

QJ LaMan.-------- VOTE QJ 2004--- QJ LaMan--- President 2004. email: and paste the adress into your email adress box-- Email Questions and comments.--- since we are not allowed to have links on our website, all of our stuff will be on this page-----QJ LaMan For President-----Volunteers? email us at Biography -Born in Springfield, Illinois in 1969 he is 35 years old. When he was 33 he moved to Miami, Florida and became Mayor of Miami. He has a wife named Lily LaMan and two kids named Bethany (6) and Darryl (9). In his free time he likes to surf and play chess, as a kid he won The National Chess Championship. He is close friends with Bob Barker and Mr. T, senators for New Hampshire and Virginia. At 12 he was kidnapped for almost 3 months until he escaped through the kidnappers open window and straight to the police office. His mother is named Zoe LaMan and his father Gregory LaMan. He had one brother named Sam LaMan. He has a 3-month-old dog named Rainy. QJ LaMan is a total Left Wing Democrat. He went to Yale Universty on full Scholarship. --- Gay Marriage I strongly believe that Gay and Lesbian marriage is a just cause. I believe that each and every human being has the right to choose their own values. It is not right to change the constitution to make Gay marriage illegal. I will be sure every man and woman, homosexual, heterosexual, or bisexual, has the right to decide what he or she wants to do with their life"- QJ LaMan--- Abortion "I believe that the choice of abortion is only up to the woman who is contemplating the decision. Since it is her body, it is totally her choice for what she wants to do with it."- QJ LaMan--- Diseases "Millions and Millions of people in the USA are suffering form incurable diseases. Diabetes, Alzheimers, cancer, and many more are all diseases that currently have no cures. I believe that science needs to be applied to the cause of incurable diseases so that we can pursue the ethic of discovery that this nation withholds."-QJ LaMan Education "Ever child in the USA deserves to have a free and adequate education. That is one of the things that makes this nation great. I will put more tax dollars to raising the standard of education without raising taxes. That is my education promise."-QJ LaMan--- Debt 1 "In the past four years, the national debt has jumped so much, it has left everyone confused and angered. How can the richest nation be billions of dollars in debt? During my time as president, I will affectively reduce the debt with a very small financial affect on the American taxpayers."-QJ LaMan--- Agriculture "Agriculture is a very important trade in the USA. I will bring aid and help farmers to become financially responsible and to raise the percentage of fruits and vegetables that are grown and sold in the USA, instead of raising the percentage of fruits and vegetables that are grown overseas. That will bring more money to American farmers and boost the economy."- QJ LaMan--- Iraq War "The war in Iraq has cost us many lives and billions of dollars that have been added to our already looming deficit. I will keep troops in Iraq until peace is restored, and their government is on stable feet for a secure future. The longest that the USA will be in Iraq is 2 more years, and I promise never to invade a country without support of the UN." -QJ LaMan--- Deficit "The national deficit is a huge issue that is haunting Americas future generations. Unless the deficit is lowered significantly, our children and grandchildren will be financially responsible for the mess that they have inherited. With democrats as president, the deficit has lowered every year, and with QJ LaMan as your president, the deficit will be lowered more every year than ever before."-QJ LaMan---