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With Special Thanks

There are so many people that have been affected by Heather's death. We have all mourned in our own way. But the one thing that joins us is our love for this beautiful person that blessed our lives! It is my mission, and the other people that have joined me, or supported me in Project Heather to make sure that Heather's death is not totally in vain. I could never have made this page, had the strength, or the courage to start this project without all of these people that are so special in my life. Together we have found a new hope for the future for ourselves, and for the people that we hope to help. I know that while we are all working together on this project, that our Heather is looking down on us from Heaven with a smile! I love you all! Kim

People Helped Since 3/24/04 = 11
Great Job!

With Special Thanks To:

*Marylin Nichols**Teri Malone* *Joni Carlson**Sandi Back* *Debbie Mc**Cindy Houghton*
*Julia White**Tia Blanton* *Jessica Butler**Brittany Anderson**Courtney Knox**Donna Chase*
*Dominic DeGrandpre**Cheryl Proctor**Shelly Ferguson**James Zepeda**Ruben Dominguez**Jason Hudson*
*Kevin Artman**Amy Weatherby* *Suzanne Schey**Wendy Swigart**Race Robbins**Mike Rainey*
*Candy Quigley**Nanny MacKechnie*

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