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Random Facts

Random Facts Naomi GB · Two sides of an isosceles triangle added together equal the remaining side squared. · The leader of a herd of elephants is the largest and oldest female and she is called the matriarch. · Harry S. Truman’s middle initial, ‘S,’ stood for nothing. · The earth is 4.5 billion years old. · The word in Hebrew that sounds like ‘dog’ means fish. · The dog who played Toto in the Wizard of Oz was actually a female named Tammy. · The smallest country in the world is Vatican City located in Italy. · Blue whales can weigh up to 200 tons. · Wyoming was the first state to allow women to vote in 1890., · In Africa some people use elephant dung for snowballs. · In Yiddish ‘Shmatah’ means rag. · Saturn has at least 22 moons. · The House of Representatives has 435 representa6tives except in an election year when it has 437. · Cows, elephants, giraffes and whales all call their young calves. · The air we breathe is only 21% oxygen. · Porcupines float.

