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In Loving Memory of Nicholas Ryan Neice

This site is dedicated to our son, Nicholas, who was born an angel on October 4th 2001 @ 8:15pm. Weighing only 3.2 ounces and measuring 6.5 inches, he was so small and fragile, small enough to fit into the palm of our hands yet he was perfectly formed from head to toe. He had Mommy's blue eyes, Daddy's nose, and long skinny legs like his big brother Daniel. We never heard him cry, we'll never see him take his first steps, and we'll never know what went wrong and why he was taken away so soon...but we will always cherish the few precious moments we had with him. We're looking forward to the day when we can hold him again, but until then, we'll hold him forever in our hearts. Rest in peace angel...we love you!

To read Nicholas' on his picture!

"Some people only dream of angels...we held one in our arms"

Made for you by Mommy 10/12/03

Thank you Sheila for making this beautiful certificate for Nicholas. You can visit Sheila's site at

"A woman who loses her husband is called a widow
A man who loses his wife is called a widower
A child who loses a parent is called an orphan
But what do we call a parent who loses a child?
There is no name for this pain."

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