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Lady Zfenghali's Human Form      Lady Zfenghali's Wolf Form

Human Features:
Age: 18 Height: 5'10'' Weight: 147lbs Hair Color: Black with auburn highlights
Eye Color: Ice blue Skin Tone: Fair

Wolf Features:
Length: 7' Weight: 201 lbs Fur Color: Gray/Black/White Eye Color: Ice blue**

Other Attributes:
Tattoos: 3, head, hand and chest
*The difference between wolf and human years is 7 (7x18=126).
**Due to the coronary differences, the wolfs eye has a tendancy to glow in low light, even when in human form.

In a once glorious, and beautiful, city named Salkeen, the High Priestess Sahmeena bore two twin daughters. The first to arrive, Erilla, greeted the world with a horendous wail. While the second, Chaneen, saluted the room with a contented smile and bright eyes, aglow with much knowledge. Such is the beginning of the story my mother told so long ago.

Merry Meet fellow travelers. Thank-you for joining me on the journey of life, written by the ancients long before our feet settled into the soft soil. You will learn of the leadings of my life, where I began, where I went, where I am, and where I hope my journey may lead. So begins my story.

By the power of 3x3, as I will it, so shall it be!

--On that day, 123 years by count, did my entrance seal my fate. While my sister, Erilla, was a boisterous and demanding child, she brought much solice to my life. And as with her following entrance, I walked the path of quiet harmony. Complete opposites we were, yet perfect compliments to one another. Being twins, we shared many of the same traits, and aquired traits from both our parents. Although, as Erilla and I grew, one thing set us apart, our hair color. Erilla had taken mothers color of golden wheat that shone one a warm summer day. I, on the otherhand, took fathers ancient dark color. So dark, I blended well with shadows that roamed in the night.

  My mother, born to the mistress of a saxxon king, was taken under the wing of my great Aunt Danae as her mother had passed over during the birth. Trained to be a High Priestess, she was also well equipped with affairs of the coming times. Briefed in aristocracy, trained to wield a sword, taught magickal rites of a great many lands, and much more, her life was one to be a great leader. The City of Salkeen was merely stumbled upon during one of her numerous journeys to a distant land. Years had passed and she just couldnt get the place out of her mind. She had learned that it was once a great city of a barbaric group called the Frigralds. She knew it was a place of her destiny, and upon which she set out to rebuild. Soon, peasants and vagabonds alike, caught wind of the cities restoration, and soon migrated and settled amidst the city. As time wanes, the city grew to be 1300 citizens strong, of which my mother taught, protected, prospered, and reigned as High Priestess.

  Pleased with her neices success, Aunt Danae visited in mothers 24th(mortal)* year. Accompaning Danae were of course her coven members, guards, and particularly a young shaman names Torious Alexander. Mother, whom was a maiden with no suitor, was immediately taken by him. From their first meeting, they were inseperable, for twas such their fate.

  Father, in his 43rd(wolf)* year when he and mother met, was born to an unknown clan and shaman to a combined tribe of his clan, a celtic clan and a saxxon clan. He traveled many the land, such as my mother, to learn the healing secrets of other civilizations. Although my father was a strong, overpowering man, he was never trained with a sword, for it was in his rite to heal and create peace amongst his clan(s). And never did I see him quarrel. It is with him that I was handed ancestry to the wolf, taught to "shape shift" from girl to wolf, so that I may roam with my brothers and sisters of the land and howl my loyalty from thousands of years prior.

Studying the ancient arts with my great Aunt Danae, I am upon my 18th year, which ancient traditions prepare me for my rite of passage, that is to take place in the square of Salkeen, my home. Nearing the city, we get word from our front guardsman that he has spotted smoke billowing from that direction. Frantic, I race ahead, only to find a horrible scene. Walking through the charred ruins, I cant miss the horrible smell of burnt flesh, and what seems to be the remains of my innocent family of 1300. And in mortifying terror, I run through the streets to see only the detriment that my loving mother, father, and sister have been given.

My heart wept for the coven members, whose heads had all been cut and staked, and lead to the entrance of the castle. Investigating the coridoor to be empty with the exception of smoldering furniture, I begin my intense search for my parents and most of all, my Erilla. My mind went empty when I found them. In the Garden that my proud mother had kept, tied to a stake and burned was she, and recently for smoke was still rising. Sick in my stomach, I searched for my sister, only to find her barely covered by torn clothing, and laying in a pool of her own blood. Clutching her in my arms, she opened her eyes only to tell me, in her last few breaths, how she loved me. It was my cries that Aunt Danae and the rest found me. I was told my father was slain near by, with his sword in his hand, trying to save his wife and daughter.

In the years to come, I was full of hate and vengeance and had forsaken my priestesshood. And eventually gaining what I sought. Taking up the art of the sword, I became skillfull, and revenge furthered my heart. Soon, I had found, and killed, the traitor who served such attrocities to my people. And I made sure his fate was worse off than those he'd wronged.

With the sadness of my families death finally subsiding, and their deaths avenged, I had to search for solace. And only one place to find it.

Aunt Danae had offered me her ever aging embrace. And after repentence to Mother Goddess, I was finally accepted back to my priestesshood with open arms. It is now that I became Lady Zfenghali, being that I found a state so close to solace it became my home...zen is a wonderful place. As the years passed, Danae grew weak and weary, and not having the wolf on her side, age come quick to she and all mortals. It was my path to take her place, born to me from heredity, taught to me by mother and Danae and shown to me by the Mother Goddess. I made sure her cross over ceremony was that of beauty and honor as she deserved both.

Teaching became my priority. For I knew I had time on my side, however as i've said before, mortals arent privy to an extended life as I and my kind. And it can be quite dreary living 30 years, and not having anything to show. But I am proud to say that I inducted several of my students to High Priestess status for surrounding Covens.

In my 80th year, I decided it was time to allow one of my priestes' to take my position. I was growing restless, and it pained me to watch my students grow old before my eyes. It was WillowMoon, that I chose to reign as High Priestess. Like me, she was fluent in celtic, saxxon, egyptian and mesopotamian magick, and also their languages, including english, a master at the written word and a pure soul who was willing to uphold her position in an honorable fashion. WillowMoon was everything that my sister was, and all that I hoped she had been.

Thereafter, I became a worldly traveler, eventually finding the Alexander clan. Following in the path of my father as shaman and healer, I submerged myself in the teachings of my ancestors of the Alexander name. Learning the art of ceremonial dance, crystal healing, meditational healing, family recipes for potions, poultices, medicine pouches, tinttures, and also learning of exotic herbs, not native to the lands I'd journied before.

At the young age of 120 years, I again felt an urge to travel. And knowing I had kinsman brought much happiness and fulfillment to my heart. They had helped me gain a side of myself that never before had been seen. And it was impowering. But, none-the-less, it was time to find my place in the world yet again.

Three years of long journy has brought me to my new beginning. It has been two full moons now that I found my way to Tyrans Cove and met my current family, the Wolf Kynd clan. It is to my King SilvrWolf, and Queen MysticWolf and their children LokiWolf, BladeWolf, ValorWolf, FyrestormWolf, ChantressWolf, LeilaniWolf and CrystalWolf that I give my devotion as Head Healer. But I mustn't forget the rest of my new found family of the wK Clan. Thank you to all whom I serve. May I serve you well.

Blessed Be!
*Wolf years are measured every 1 human/mortal year per 4 wolf years lived. example: 124 wolf years=31 human/mortal years (124/4=31).

£aŠy Zƒengha£i's £ink§

Tyrans Cove:  A place of much mystery.

Wolven Kynd Clan:  Home to my new-found family.

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