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Monty and Madison's Home Page

Two Wonderful Fuzzbeans

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Mr. Montgomery
Mr. Madison
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More Madison
Best Friends and Brothers

We were a gentle little-bear sable with the biggest, round "I-love-you" eyes in the world (that was me, Monty) and a dapper, dashing ebony mitt who looked as if he had shoe polish on his nose (and that was ME, Madison!) Monty could launch himself into space like a flying squirrel, and Madison could bounce around like a yo-yo. He gave the impression of having invisible springs on his feet. We honor their memory. Our Monty left us on July 14, 2003 and Madison left us on March 25, 2004. They were two WONDERFUL ferrets who loved being ferrets and loved their humans and loved life. In December, 2002, we were joined by Beauregard, our little blind silver-mitt brother. Beau had three different types of cancer. He left us on June 17, 2006.

The following fall, two littermates, Zorro and Mickey, came home from the shelter, which you can visit at this website--

Zorro had exploratory surgery for adrenal disease. An "inoperable" tumor was discovered on the right adrenal gland.

He had two years of Lupron, and then it lost its effectiveness. He went almost completely bald. Then he had a melatonin implant. to no effect Nest he went to a specialist for surgery to remove the massive adrenal tumor in his little tummy. It was so amazing to see him running around again--and we loved seeing his fur growing back! He was a gorgeous sable, with dark leggings and mask and a white "badge of honor" on his chest.

Both of our ferrets then received a deslorelin implant, to hopefully keep them from going through such an ordeal again!

Special thanks to God and St. Francis and all of our friends for helping out little pals. We brought Madison's records home, shelved next to Monty's--two brave and valiant little souls.

We remembered little Beauregard on his anniversary date --so brave, in true ferret tradition. We will always love him. Now that it has been seven years, we have his original medical records at home. Such a dear little blind buddy. . .

Mom discovered how to take little video clips of Mickey and Zorro playing. Let's how they don't get erased!

Zorro had a kidney problem, and Mickey had an enlarged heart (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy)

Also, Zorro had an unusual heartbeat--a "skipped P-wave." We also exempted Mickey from her distemper shot, because she had such a horrible reaction to her rabies vaccination.

Both of them received new deslorelin implants, also.


Zorro was diagnosed with clostridium in his GI tract and had to be on metronidazole, prednisone and famotidine to get it under control To get him to take it, I gave him "soup" and then he didn't want to eat crunchies!

We had to say farewell to our beloved "Strong Jumper" when his hind legs became to be too weak for him to sit upright. He had not jumped for a long, long time and could no longer go up stairs. . .or even really walk. . . We miss our boy. He went to the "Rainbow Bridge" on Wednesday, April 10, 2013 and we will love him forever. . . The Center for Bird and Exotic Animal Medicine gave us a beautiful little heart-shaped forget-me-not plaque with his paw prints--so sweet. And Burien Veterinary Hospital made a donation to the WSU Pet memorial program in Zorro's name. We love you, sweet boy--and oh, we miss you so, so, so very much. . . .

Mickey eventuallly got odler too, and her hind feet weren't as strong as they used to be. She stopped jumping and climbing-and sometimes couldn't make it to the litter box in time. !

We re-configured the cage to make it more "accessible," lowering platforms and hammocks and changing the angle of the ramp. She had both insulinoma and kidney problems on top of her hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and but she seemed to be in good spirits.

It took a while for her to recover from her insulinoma surgery and resulting stomach problems but for a while she was her usual spunky self. For a while she had problems breathing, due to her enlarged heart and pulmonary edema. She was given furosemide which helped immensely for a while, but then the dosage had to be increased. Now she also has spinal problems--developing spondylosis which makes her back weird. She'd been slowing down a bit and it turned out that her deslorelin implant had expired, so we had a new one put in, and that helped perk her up a bit! Our dear little Princess, our joy and delight,an absolute sweetheart of a ferret, left us on Sunday, October 5, 2014. The day I went to pick up her ashes, there was a beautiful rainbow in the distance, over the mountains, as if it were just for her. We were so lucky to have had her here for as long as we did. Every day with her was a day of happiness.

We turned the page princess-pink in her honor

Thank you for visiting our page at Angelfire.

Mickey, Zorro, Beau, Madison, Monty, Emmett and Shasta helped us find our two new princesses--Regina George and Olive--adopted from WFRS on August 22nd and the most wonderful ladies ever!So happy to have ferrets at home again, stealing chess pieces, running through tunnels, and wrestling (not to mention those earnest ferret kisses. .. )They are sweet, wonderful, adorable girls and we are so lucky to have them home!

We visited Dr. Carter for the first time and learned that our darlings have EAR MITES (gasp!) FIVE loads of laundry and super-vacuuming on the day of their first dose of Advantage Multi. Olive was a total twerp when it came to the first application. Fortunately Auntie Elly and Uncle Rick came over to help with the second and third!