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I am dedicating this page to my family history. I hope it will help others searching for their ancestors.

This is an excerpt of a journal entry sent to me from a mission that my 3rd great grandfather served in Germany/Switzerland.
Manuscript of Charles David Haun

CHARLES DAVID HAUN was born October the 4th 1841 in the city of Pittsburg, Allegheny county State of Pennsylvania. Was Baptised October 9th 1861 at West Jordan by Laumaul Bateman Confirmed The same day by James Trirmoser Ordained an elder November 25, 1865 in Salt Lake City Utah by Backton Sprage. Ordained a Seventy October 10th 1876 by President John Talor in Salt Lake City, Utah. Was called on a mission to Switzerland and Germany January 19, 1894. In respond to said call in company with George C. Neaghly and wife and Lyge? (unsure of name) Lyge or Gyge

Left home at 12m my children all came with me to the depot. Archie and David acommered me to Salt Lake City. They started for home at 1pm and I started for Germany at 7pm. We had a plesant trip over the plains and found the weather was cold at Rock Springs and at Lancine (unsure of spelling) City. Arrived at Denver at 7pm. Jan 25 stayed one hour and left at 8. The weather between Denver and Kansas City was warm and pleasant. Arrived in Kansas City at 5 pm Jan. 26. Stayed one hour. Started for and arrived in Chicago at 1pm Jan 27. Was delayed fore hours by the brakening of the Engine and had a narrow escape of being diched so the train hand said.

The weather in Chicago was...verry cold. We stayed in Chicago six hours and visited some of the places of interrest visited the Masanic Tempel 21 Storrys high. Went up the elavator and walked down 410 steps and you can see all over the city from the top in a clear day and it is a beautifull sight. left Chicago at 7:45pm Jan 27 and passed through some beautiful city and towns found more snow and it was snowing a good deal of the time. Arrived in New York in the morning of the 29th. Got off the train in Jersey City and went over to New York on the ferry boat and stopped at the St. cline's hotel. Went in afternoon and made arrangements for our passage to Rotterdam.

the Weather was cold and stormey. Visited several places of interest. The Brooklin Bridge the Elevated Rail Road Bostel Gardden and Centeral Park but there was so much snow that we could not see much in the park. went to the managre and seen the annomaly and I seen the largest elephant that I ever seen and all kind of animals and birds and reptiles. Visited Yeuwick public Squares Washington and others. Went to the World building 25 stories high. The highest building in the world. Went to 5 Avenue and seen the reper ten and there one continuel train of cariges going each way for hours and some of the finest horses and turnouts I ever seen.

Visited the docks and several other places. Wrote home to the Children. Went the Theater and seen the Senator. Went through a T streets dry goods palace. 5 storrys high and covers a hole block and has four frunts. it is the finest business house I ever was in. You could live in any thing you wanted.

Feb 1st went on board a steamer at one o'clock. Brother Neal Gardner and Strodeberg and five other brethren came on board to see me and I was much pleased to see them. Wrote a few lines home to the Childern. Sailed at half past one for Europe and bid farewell to America home and friends for 2 years or till the Lord says home. The steamer dribbled down in a small boat 400 feet long and 40 feet wide and drows 25 feet of watter. We had nine cabbin passginers and Thirtyone storys and 52 of a crew making 92 souls in all. the cabbin pasengers were as George C Neagely and wife. A O Woodruff. Rudolph Lyge, C D Shutles, Wm McEwen, Joliah Wiles, C D Haun, mishenaries, and a young lady from St. Paul, Minasota. Miss Ella Richards she was going to Vinnie to study music. She was a good pianist and was the life of the ship. All went well till after Yupes and then oh how sick we wore all only miss Richerds and she was not sick.

in my all the way over now if there is anything worse than sea sickness I dont want to try it for of all the dount care. will you live or die kind of a feeling upside down topsee turvey. Want to and can't kind of a feeling. Why you have got all in one for 3 day. We were sick and then we got along. We had rough sea and on the night of the 11th of Febuary, we had a turn and I felt as if I wanted walk on land a while. it snowed or rained every day but two. We saw the first land on the 12 of Febuary and and it was a nice day we were going through the English chanel and posed the ile of Wite and could see

Ingland the pilat met us to day he was 3 days coming from Rotterdam. We got in the River Rine in the morning of the 13th and to Rotterdam at 11 oclock and had our Bagage examund by the revenue officers. 5 of the Brethren went to Paris. Brother Nagely and wife and my self stayed in Rotterdam where I met Brother Ira Benion. We also met Brother Edward Benion and Brother Richard Hill from Smithfield Leach Valley. I spent time looking around the city. There are many queir lights to be seen here whose water take the place of land and Boats the place of waggons and it looked "strange" to see a span of days drawing a heavy load and yet that is what they work most here and some of the houses are Bilt in the water and when you came out of the door you step into a boat same if the houses lean so that you would think that they would fall down. The City is 13 feet below the sea. In fact the hole country is and they dig diches and have wind mills and pump the water out over an imbankent that is bult around the share of the river and sea. Wrote the children from here. left Rotterdam on the 14th for Bern. Went as far as Antwerpes. We found that we could not get any farther that night. See We wanted to get a hotel there was an agent or what claimed to be one of the Netherland steon ship co. I did not like the looks of him but Brother Neagely wanted to get a cheap hotel and we got one by ...


going to one of the dirtiest plates that I ever stopet in in my life and it was one of the last but some people want cheep things and we got it but had to pay dios for it and we had to walk and pack our lugage and all night long the rabbel kept up one of the worst roars and noiseses and peraded the streets beating tin pans and singing howeling and yelling I ever heard. Men and women boys and girls and the beds were so dirty that they stunk and I was glad when morning came and we got away from the place the countery we passed through yesterday was level and nice farms. We started on again at nine oclock this morning Feb 15 expecting to go to Berne without having to lay over in any more but when we got to Luxemburg we were told that we could not get any farther till the next day so we had to hunt a hotell again, but we looked at the beds and saw that they had a descant place to sleep at this time.

We changed cars at the city. The countery through which we pased through was mostley rough and looked poor land. The City of Brusls has some Beutifull bildings but there is a good many poor people in it and the the women apear to do most of the work. I notisest the women on the RailRoad and in the feilds and at all kind of work that men do at home. The City of Luxemburg is a face City. I did not get to see much of it as we got here late at night and left at six oclock in the morning.

We took the first train for the City Merts it a fortified City and was one of the strong holds during the war between France and Germiny in 70-71 and from here we went to the city of Stosburg which another fortified City and one of the Citys of the war and it was lined with soldiers in all sides. We changed cars here and saped one hour and started for Rosell where changed cars again and arived at Berns at nine oclock at night Feb. 16, 1894. We pased through some fine countery and seen many old Castels on the hills and hunderds of acres vineyards in travling from Rotterdam to Berne. We had to pas through Belgium and Germany and had our Bagage examined Three times and changed cars 5 times and was on the Road 3 day. it is about 600 miles les or more for you cannot find out much about distance in this countery.
Feb 17. In City of Berns is bilt on the Aare and has about sixty Thousand Inhabitants and is some solor seven hunderd years old and has a trishdishone when the City was bilt they did not know what to name it so one of the nobelmen went out to hunt and the first thing he killed was to be the name of the City and the first thing was a Bear and so they named it the City Berne which the German for Bear and the City keeps a Bear pit and Bears in it at the City exspence. thay have a Catheral here that has been 4 hundreds years bilding and the scafeling is not taken down yet and the bilding is beginning to decay. There is one Business house here that has been to established for 400 years a drug store.

Feb 18. The Brethren arived from Paris this morning. atended meeting and spoke in the German language for the first time in my life in that language atended meeting at night and then walked 4 miles with Brother Zyge. Feb 19 Brother Zyge went to his field of labor Berl Switzerland. Walked around the City. Feb. 20 The Brethern all started for there field of labor today as follows. Brother Wm Ewen Berlin Germany. Brother J Wielen Sarah " " " , Brother CD Shutter Munic "" "" Brother OO Wodruff Marhime -- -- -- . Went with Brother Killerd and looked for a place to Babtise a woman. assisted in comfirming sister Dicher. Brother Sher was mouth

Feb 21 & 22. Wrote a letter to my Childern and walked around the City over the Bear pitts.. Brother Sher is proby handed for Salt Lake Utah received a letter from President Lund that is Brother Stokes did that I was to stay in the German mishon and se got my apointment to go to Wanne Westfabin i forth Germanny and open a new feild as there have not been any Elders in that part as yet. Feb 23 started for Marrhiner Raden pased through the City of Basel where I changed cars. had to walk half a mile over the Riahr and pased through the City Warsell Mulhim friberg oslemberg and several large and beautifull City and seen a grate manny old ruins and Castel, on the the hills traveled down the river.

Rime and past throught the nicest countery I have yet seen in Europe for miles and miles through vinyards passed through a tunels today and some of them very long and some fine senery arived at Manhime at halfpast six oclock pm and met Brothers Woodruff and Maug of provo.

Mayshine is the only city that I have yet seen in Europe that the streets are layed out right angels and it is a Beautiffull City and has some large factorys it is situated on the 2 forks of the rivers Rime and Thotcer and has population of 85,000. it has some fine bildings and Bridges one aver the Rime and one over the Napier and street cars by horse power and some electrit lights there are some large tobacco and cigar factorys and wooden factorys here and when they quit work at night it is a sight to see the girls going from work.

I may say Thousands of them and you no very see one with in anything on there head but all bare hided and that is the fashon all over Germany and Rain or shine cold or warm. Feb. 24. Walk around the City and over to River Noker and visited some of the Saints and bouth some things that I was in need of. Feb. 25. Sunday School at 1pm meeting at 2 pm. Spoke some to the people and went to dinner with one of the Saints and then walked about 8 miles to a little town called Freisinhime and held a meeting and walked back in a hearsey Rain both ways Fireajashime is in Bavaria. Well I was tired when I got to bed.

Feb. 26 Started out to have a look at the City. Brother Woodruff and myself. We walked around the River front and watched the unloading Boats and the way they had to work. made us tired to watch them. We came to some that were unloading coal. They were carrying it in baskets on there shoulders. They cared one hundred pounds at a load and cared up 45 steps and then about sixty yards over the road into a yard. We stopt and asked one of them what pay they got and he told us they got 12 1/2 cents per and that is about the average of all kinds of labor in the countery now.

These men get up in the morning at five oclock and they have a cup of coffee no milk or sugar and a peice of black bread no meet and go to work at 6 and for dinner bread and soucheg and a glas of beeer in going along we came to some american works of the antinender oil co. and we seen the largest pile of barls that we ever seen in one place about Two acres of ground covered and about 30 tons high.

one more instance of labor... one of the members of the church here is a fireman for one of the largest on aline factory in the world. he goes to work at 7 oclock at night and works till 7 in the morning. Those ore 4 boilers and he uses 7 1/2 times of coal in the 12 hours and he gets 3 Marks per or 75 cents american money.

(Feb 27) Brother Woodruff went to Frankfort. Went to Ludwichshafen and stayed all night. (Feb 28) Walked around and looked at the City. Ludwichshafen is across the River Rine and connected by a Bridge with manheim. it is in Bavaria. It has 30,000 inhabitants. it has the largest anilecin factory in the world. It employs 10,000 hand and owns one third of the real estate in the City. The dyes are manufactured out of coal tar and soda. They will not employ anyone under 15 years old or over 35. That is many hands. Adminitered to a sick sister then went to Woldhaf 9 miles and administered a sick Child and then to Ludwighafen and held meeting and then to Manheime.

March 7. Went to Frankfort and and arived at 6pm. attended meeting March 2nd. Walked around the City and took in the sights. The City of Frankfort is in Prusha an the River main it has the or one of the largest the world. it is the finest I have ever seen. There are 12 track for passengers trains and it is covered with glass. The post office is all rock and brick. no wood about it. the market is a fine bilding. it has 1500 stands for vegetables and fruits and other things.

Started for Wenne at 11pm. took 4th class ticket and it was one of the worst times I ever had traveling. We had a car about 10 by 14 feet and there was 32 men and every one had a bottle of wine or whiskey and they all smoked at once and singing and holern. thats you could not hear anything. Well after changing cars 6 times I arrived at Wanne at 11 am March 3, 1894 where I found a man Ernst and he treated me kindly. I wrote a letter home to the Children. God Bless them.

The City of Frankfurt has 185,000 inhabitants and is a very nice City, March 4, Sunday stayed in the house most of the day. There was a good many folks call to see me out of curiosity. I think of I was an american. I found it hard to understand them as the most of the people are Pollanders and speak poor German and they could not understand me as I spoke worse, Wanne is a small place and the people all work in the coal mines as on the rail road as this is the largest mining district in Germanny and some of the mines are 2,000 feet deep and employ from 1,000 to 2,000 men each the wages are small labors, yet from 48 to 62 1/2 cents per day and miners 75 cents per day of 8 hours.
March 5. Went to Ikes and register my name in this country. if you stay over 24 hours in one place you have to register your name and every time you change your place you have to register again. you must give the no of the house and and the name of the man you stay with and what your business is. Iker is a small town and joins on Wanne in fact the whole country is small towns. 2 and you hardly know when you get from one to the other and it is hard to keep track of them and I do not try. March 6. Walk around the Countery and district.... some tracts. March 7. Wrote letters to casy, kate and mary Gardner. March 8. I stracted the Lounge. no distrusion... tracts. March 10 went to Bochnisar, a town. some 2 or 3 miles south of Wanne it a nice town and had some nice bildings. it has a mayor and is quite a place. Wrote to Brother Stoker March 11 Sunday. the men are playing cards and drinking Bear and this apears to be the way the rest of them spend Sunday.

The man of the house and family have gone to a crisening the Child is 12 day old and what dose it know of Baptism and yet if you talk to this people of Baptism they will tell you that it is not nesisary or I was Baptised when a child and that will do the Child was baptised in the forenoon and in the afternoon they invited Thoy friend and relations and had a dinner and whiskey and Beer and had regular time till after midnight and same of them were so drunk that they had to be helpt home and they think they are doing God's Will and do not want to hear or know anything about the Gospel of Christ.

March 12. Wrote to Mabel and Brother Woodruff this morning and while I am same of the Neabors house come in and are tathing what the ori came will be of my labors and from there talk the feeling is not good to words me and the word of the Lord but so it was in the days of our savior but he to told his deopils that if they percuted you in one City flee to another and we will worn them and bare them in the hands of the Lord and wo unto them who ceep not his commandments which he has given them. Went in the afternoon and rented a room no 14 Viktry star horer to pay 15 marks per month for it. I take paseshon on the 15 of March.

March 13. Stay in the house and study most of the day. March 14. Went with Mr. Ernst to Gelsinkinchen. a small city 3 or 4 miles southwest from Wanne. it very nice City place. it has several Churches and 2 hospetls. March 15. Moved to my room today received letters from Bern and Bro. Woodruff. March 16. Wrote to my Daughter Magge and the Childern. March 17 in the house. March 18 Sunday. Went to Church to see some Childern confirmed. the Singer was very nice. the ground was white with snow this morning. March 19, 20, 21 in my room studying most of the time.

March 22. Wrote to Brother Woodruff. one of the offishels came and had a look at my Book and papers today. He did not find any fault with them but I was told by one of my friend that some of the people wanted me draw out arrested on some charge. March 24. Wrote to my son Arche and the Childern. March 25. Ester Sunday and one of the bigest day in the land. today it was nice and warm and clear. it had been Rainny every day till today. Since I left Berne.

March 26. Wrote to Brother Stoker today for monney. it is a holladay and everyone is having a good time and the streets are full of people. March 27. Market day went to see the pig market and was much amused to watch the people making those bargains and to see them taking there pigs home same in baskets ad wheelbarrows and sacs and some in there arms and there were lest 2,000 pigs in the market and was surprised at the prices they brought. pig that it home would sell for $2.50 brought 708 dollars.

March 28. Went to Gelsinkirehem. Received a letter from Brother Woodruff. March 29. Received same papers from Brother Woodruff. The first I have seen since I left Berne. received a letter from Berne and 40 Markes. March 30. Wrote to Berne and studied hard but I find that I am not getting along well alone as I can not understand what I am reading about. March 31. Received a letter from home and it was the most wellcome thing that I ever got in my life and the news was very satisfactory and gave me much joy and pleachure as I was not well. sick and in Bed most of the day.

April 1st 1894. Sunday Wrote a letter to Mabel and the rest of the Childern in the farm... and walked over to Bikern in the afternoon and there saw some of the sivelistian there right are as strict from a church was a circus and same there amusements and while they were selling the tickets, the actors a man and woman were standing on a platform dressed in tights and while some were going in to the church others were taking in the show and the salons were getting there share and this the sabith day. April 2. This is a hallowday and the streets are full of people. I am trying hard to learn the language and to read. Received a letter from Bern that there was an Elder coming to join me which pleased me. Wrote to Berne. Went and was mashured I am a suit of clothes.

April 3. Studying most of the day. Went with some friends to the Flourest and saw some of the nicest folours I ever seen and seen one of the old Robers Castles were they had an underground passage for two miles where they could go through with horses. there are some of them in this neighborhood. April 19. Brother Edward Frei arrived today for two weeks. I have been studying hard to learn to read German, but am finding it hard to learn. April 21. Went Bocham a City about 4 miles of Bot a Sute of Clothes. Payed 60 marks for them. 22. Sunday Brother Frei talked on the principles of the gospel. He was not much pleased with the actions of the man of the house for while we whare talking in one room, he was playing crds for money and drinking whiskey and beer in the other.

Monday, April 23. The amt man told us today that we must not distribute in my tracts or preach the gospel or they all the parsons that they needed. April 24. Went to a little town about 4 miles north called Herney and made arangements to attend a meeting and talk to the people in the evening when we got back to our room we was told that we would have to vacate at the end of the month as the man of the house had forbid the people to alow us to stay any longer and had for an excuse that we might be conected with some robberys that had been commited in the neighborhood. We went to Herney and attended a meeting of the Gospel. Brother Thoy called the selles.. They sung a hymn and then prayed and then read a chapter in the Bible then sung another hymn and that was all there was of it. We talked to them but they did not believe in the Holy Ghost or that any work wwork were nesisary for salvation but that Jesus Christ had done all that was nesisary and beliefe in Him would do the rest. We tried to tell them diferent but they did not want to know anything more than they had.

They thought that there salvation was shure so we gave them some tracts and left them. April 25. Went to Hirney and tried to rent a room but could not get one under $40 marks per month and we could not stay that we rote to the Brethren in Berne and they thought that it was to high and wrote to go to Munster or Hannover.

April 26. Spent the day walking around and looking at the Kinmidst... a kind of a foins tho they have in Germany they have all kind amusements and everything to sell that you want and no what you don't want. April 27. Went to Yelsinkerche and bought us some trunks. April 29. Stayed around the room and studied some received a letter from home and wrote to the children and received a letter from Brani pact up the start of the next day.

April 30. Started this morning at 9:20 for and arrived at Hannover at 4:00. passed through some nice countary. May 1st. Went this morning and huted a room. We hiered a Denst man to show us around and help us find a room after walking around for about two hours and paying for his whiskey. We found one. We had to pay our man two mark for finding a room and one Mark for taking our things to the room and when we got thare and stayed all night we found that we had got in to the worst and loest part of the city. the whole night was one harah that we could not sleep so we desided to find another place.

May 2 We found another room in a nice quiet part of the city. We walked around the city and took in some of the sights the rest of the day. May 3. Moved to our new room and then visited the Zeological Gardens in the fore noon and in the afternoon Brother Jeri done some tricts. Walked out to a small town called Bernk. it is about 4 miles from Hanover.

May 4. raining most of the day. Walked around some. Walked out to the Kings Palice which a beautiful Bilding and covers about half an acre of ground and is serrounded by a beautiful garden.

May 5. distribet some tracts and talked to some of the people on the principles of the gospel in the forenoon and then went and visited some of the graveyards. I believe that there as nice graveyards in the city of Hanover as any place in the world and they are kept in good order. Flowers and scrubery of all kinds and beautiful Tomb stones and valts.

May 6. Sunday walked around the park and the Kings Gardens and went through the conservatory which has the finest collection of palms in Europe and only kind of Tropical plants. the Garden contains trees from all parts of the world. every tree is named and where it is from. There is a valt here that contains the bodies of the King Father and mother. May 7. Distributed tracts. May 8 and 9. Walked around and distributed some tracts and done some talking on the principles of the gospel.

May 10. Wrote to the children and walked out to and old town that contained old bildings. some of the tomb stones in the graveyard were dated 1500. May 11 in the room most of the day studying. May 12. today I received the first Deseret News. I received 11 copys and a letter from home. all were wrote to my children.

May 20 have spent the last 8 days traveling around the city and neighborhood talking to the people on the principles when we could get a chance or we have no tracts. We have written for some but they have not come yet. today is Sunday. We attended a church of England. Siruis in the forenoon. it is the first time that every was at there. Siruis and I say that to it was not very interesting. Went in the afternoon to see the Bysickel Races. For Sunday is the day set apart for all sports in Germany of all kinds and people attend church in the forenoon. Will spend there afternoons in the Bear Gardden. Men and women and children. The races were very interesting and the ridings was excellant. It was the first time that we ever have riden the same bysickel at the same time.
I will now try and discribe the City of Hanover. It is the capital city of the Providdocey. Hanover it with its subburbs contary is 120,000 inhabitants in the old part of the city. The streets are so narrow that you could shake hands across the street from the upstares windows. I seen some of the bildings ware bilt in the year 1200 and in the old part everything looks dark and dirty and not verry interesting, but when you come to the new or moddern part of the city I think that it one of the nicest cities that I have ever seen.

The streets are wide and well paved and are kept clean and many of them have nice flower gardden running the whole length of them and shad trees and smal parks every littel ways and same of as fine bildings as you will find enny wares. Some of the Royal family of Germany have a Palace here and there are minny fine public bildings here and thare. 4 large parks outside of the city that or reched by the street.

Cans the Kings Palace is outside of the city and the Garddens cover about 5 or 6 hundred acres and thoy open to the the public. There is some 50 statues and numbers of fountains. One of them brous water 160 feet and Thousands of gold fish and memry swans and miles ofwolks with hedges 12 feet high. The king dose not live here now. He lives in Austria, but he has got a stuart to look after the estate.

He has a stabel of horses here that the colts are folded white and cream and is some 50 or 60 servants to look after them and every thing is kept in order. Thare is about 6 or 8 tousands of solders stashioned here and thousands of men working on the streets they are puting in new sewers and thare are hundreds of new houses bilding and yet thay complain of hard times. Well in all over talk we have not found enny that afraid to take anny interest in the gospel. thay will side in with us but thay think that thay are all right or it is not popular. May 2. I went to Hamburg to get some washing done. I pased throught some of the worst looking countery that I have seen in Germmany May 22 met Brother Whitaker from Ogden and Brother Rodgers from Salt Lake City. I injoyed myself verry much.

May 23 in Hamburg atended a meeting and spoke to the saints in the evening. May 24 in Hamburg visiting among the Saints. May 25 returned to Hanover. May 26 in Hanover received a letter from Brother Keller teling me that Brother Lund had writen to me 2 weeks before apointing me to the British mishon and notifying me if I had not received Brother Lund letter that I was relesed from my labors in Hanover to continue the same in the British if I could have had my way I would have stay in the German misshon, but it is to late disputed to go to Hamburg and see pres. Lund.

May 27 & 28 in Hanover. May 29 received a letter from David and one from Magge all well wrote a letter to the children. did not get enny word from Pres. Lund. May 30 went to Hamburg. Attended meeting of the saints in the evening desided to wate till the next night before starting for Rotterdam as the Brethern had written and excpected Brother Lund. May 31 in Hamburg. June 1, in Hamburg atended a meeting of the relief society and spoke to them in the evening and started for Rotterdam Holland at 11 oclock had a nice trip passed through the citys of Bremen and Munster passed through Wanne. Changed cars at Eberhousen and at Emerack and crossed the line from Germany into Holland at the last place norried and arived in Rotterdam at 11 am.
June 2nd met Brother Lund and all the Brethern that are laboring in the Holland Misshon. Brother Lund sayed I ad better stay here till after confernce. June 3, atended the confernce of the Holland misshon attended three meetings. The sacrament was administered in the forenoon and presthood meeting in the evening. When we had some good instruckings from Brother lund. Brother Lund left for Liverpool at 10 pm.

June 4 in Rotterdam. Walked around the city. June 5 in Rotterdam bought my ticket for Newcast England. Got on the ship at 11 on the Grandeor 2nd Clas June 6 on the Black sea verry sick. in the Bunk all day. The wether foggy the fog horne blowing all the time. June 7 landed at New Castel at 7 oclock in the morning and took the tramer for and around the Grinderlane at 9.30 am whare I met Brother Chamber Gibson and Ford.

June 8 Brother Gibson went to Tell Law whare we where we were apointed to labor. arived all ok in the evening. We met Brothers John Crook and Thomas A Howard. We visited a family of saints.

... End of manuscripts ...

abridged by Lori Haun from a manuscript sent by a cousin, Larry Simonsen, via email in 2003.

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