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Rainy Day
Rainy day is a nice day...I like a rainy day.
It makes me think about lots of things.
It makes me think about how I live... like this with Cerebral Palsy.
I see myself have a different life.
But I Have a nice life. I can do most going to college to get an
education!...some days it's not easy for me. I can not do what other people do
I know I can not do anything about it...the way I am.
I only know that that God has given me a good turn! He gave me the chance to finish
my education
The only thing I say is my God has made me this way for a purpose.
That is what I think when it's raining outside.

To whom It May Concern:

My name is Leandro Razo. I am currently a student at Heritage College. Being disabled I realize that social activities for disabled people are rather limited. So six months ago I came up with a concept of putting on a dance that the disabled, family, and friends could attend. The only problem was I had no money. So I began asking local restaurants and clubs to donate their establishment for one night, but nobody wanted to. Finally, I went to a small club in Grandview and they agreed to lend it to me free of charge. Now that I had the dance hall all I needed was a DJ for the music. I was in luck. A man by the name of Eric was willing to do it for free. The first dance was held on September the 24th and the turnout was very good. I did't think people would ask about doing more but they have, so now I have planned on making a club so I can get more help organizing more events. My long-term goal is to create a building where we as a club can go and have fun, having events like dances, and having club meetings. If anybody can donate their time or anything that will help me keep these dreams going please write to me. I'm going to create a plan for financing and constructing a building that will be accessible for all people that have disabilities, this will not only be accessible to the disabled, family and friends are welcome to join in our activities as well. I will Assess the cost and design of the building, and will locate potential funding resources and if you would like to help please e-mail me at .

I feel that when disabled people are given the opportunity to get together and dance, that the exercise from dancing is like physical therapy. And I know that dancing is a good way to relieve stress from disabled people.  Click here to visit Heritage College

Any company who would like to help design a club or give donations for a disabled people's organization can help, too. This is my dream.

Leandro Razo


E-mail me at

Home Is Lack Marriage the Problem
What I Think Dream Club Leandro's Photos I Leandro's Photos II Religion