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Quarters of The White Ajah

Welcome. I am Kaethryna Sedai, Sitter for the White Ajah. If you are a Novice or Accepted seeking answers on what it means to be White Ajah, then come, let us walk together, and talk on Sisterhood, and let me better inform you to make a logical desicion. We have unbiased opinions, as we look at it unclouded by emotion. Come, let us talk, and you will learn more about us, and hopefully discard the stereotype that you have of us White Sisters.

We of the White Ajah seek knowledge and truth all through life. Maybe you were the one that constantly asked all throughout childhood "Why?" and the answer that was recieved was not sufficient, and so you searched more. White Sisters are more like Browns in that regard, in that we are thirsting for knowledge. The difference in us however is that Browns do it more for the sake of knowledge, and us Whites thirst for knowledge more for the answers it will give us, the probelms it will solve, and the more logic it gives us to think on. And of course, the more answers we find, the more questions we think of to find more answers to look for.

As you know, there are seven Ajahs. Yellow for Healing, Green for the Last Battle, and Blue for dedicated cause. Gray for mediating and advising, Brown for knowledge, and Red for male channelers. And of course, the Whites, who are dedicated to logic. However, did you know that that Whites are well-rounded? Because we are governed by logic, we are versatile. Whites are called by other Ajahs to assist in their separate tasks due to the fact that our judgement is unclouded. If not for logic, I would have chose the Brown Ajah. Most White Sisters are partial to other charateristics of other Ajahs. So do not feel guilty if you choose to spend more time in the Brown Ajah's Library. I must admit however, they do have a more extensive historical database concerning the Age of Legends, and have volumes more Old Toungue translations than the White Ajah's Library can boast.

There is a common stereotype about Whites, that we have no emotions. That is not true. There are White Sisters who choose to not mask their emotions, and do not let that get in their way. It is a choice, and a preference. Those of us who do choose to mask our emotions go through years of training, and in the end we master the ability. Again I must stress it is only a choice, not a requirement. Those of us who choose to distance ourself from emotion do so so that we can look at the situation that we are faced with with a clear perspective, not clouded by feelings which would sway us to think a certain way. Logic demands that we look at the probelm from all angles, considering all alternatives. If one cannot control their emotions at all times, one cannot keep a clear head at all times. To lack emotion is impossible, and illogical. Please, do away with this notion.

If you choose the White, then once you enter the Arches and past the Tests and are Raised, we welcome you. Should you need mentorship until then, let one of the expirienced Sisters know, and she will provide you that assistance. Once you are Raised to the White, if you choose to mask your emotions, than an expirienced Sister will train you in the meditation techniques, until you are able to proceed on your own. We are here to help you make an informed decision on the White Ajah, and to do that, we must also help you train prior to being Raised. Even if in the end you decide another Ajah, the training will help in which ever Ajah you choose. So be patient, be calm, and be logical. The Ajah you choose will be your life.