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*Sego Family Homepage*

Samantha's Page
Sydney's Page
Jeremy's Page
Chantol's Page

Sam, Syd and mom...

Like father, like daughter :)

Our backyard after the March snowfall.

The girls enjoying what is left of the snow.

No snow while picking out the Christmas tree this year.

At least it was a good year for fishing!

Sam at the Grand Canyon on our trip in April 2005

Sam and Mom at the Grand Canyon

Sam and Sydney in their playhouse in the backyard

Sam and Dad at Christmas

Sydney "Boo" at Christmas

Sydney practicing her letters

Sam in ballet class

Sam in the front yard not watching where she's going

Sam's first round of golf

Sydney looking for Easter eggs

Sam's 1st day of preschool

Sydney - 11 months old

Thank you for visiting our website! Come thing will be constantly be updated...even though I'm slow about getting it done.

Last update: March 28, 2006