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Precious memories..............

Michael, age 4 months

Mike's favorite place to play

Michael, age 15 months, with Grandma Jean and Uncle Jack playing with him. 1981 Christmas

Mike, age 2, with Aunt Rosie

Mike, age 2, with Aunt Rosie

Mike, age 2, with Uncle Larry

Mike, age 2, with Santa

Mike, age 3

Mike and his Grandma Jean, 1985

Mike with his Aunt Kim and Grandpa, 1985

L to R
Barb holding brother Christopher, Grandma holding Mike, Grandpa in the background
and Great Grandma and Grandpa Newton. 4 generations 1985

Mike, his brother Chris and their cousin Jennifer

Michael with Cousin Larry (Larry wrote the poem)

Michael on pony in 1989

Michael, age 11

Mike, age 12

Mike with pheasant,Thanksgiving 1992. He had just turned 12 that September.

Mike, age 16, in his McDonald's uniform

Mike, 2000, in his Navy uniform

Mike's baptism, 2001