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For THIS contest, we've decided to film Jamie's 5 min. script he wrote for our scriptwriting class.

This is a story about a scriptwriter, Danny, who is having problems writing one scene: Robert's escape from a heavily guarded foreign prison. As Danny changes his mind, we see the results play out on the screen, as Robert attempts to escape using various weapons (brass knuckles, a pistol, a banana?).

Click Here to Watch the Trailer!

Click here to read the script: 5 min movie


Danny - Jamie
Robert - Andy
Guards - Morgan, Marc, Becky

Andy sits in a familiar spot.

Me standing guard.

Andy carefully aiming.

The guards preventing another escape.

Andy going psycho!

Jamie arrives late to find a surprise.

Peekaboo! (not in 3 min version)

Bang! (not in 3 min version)

Andy escapes?! (not in 3 min version)

Me in a guard costume.

Pictures from the set 4/20/03

Jamie preparing the first shot in Andy's bedroom.

Jamie on the set again.

The desk.

The desk exactly as it will appear in the film.

The closet, where the last scene takes place.

Jamie's dead corpse, another victim of faulty Corner Studios equipment.

Here are the results of our location scouting for this movie.

Fort Ebey: ext. cell hallway

Fort Ebey: possible cell corner

Fort Casey: the cell

Fort Casey: Hallway#1

Fort Casey: ext. courtyard (scene cut from 5 min. script)

Fort Casey: Hallway #2

Fort Casey: another possible hallway

Fort Casey: another possible cell

Fort Casey: another possible hallway

Fort Casey: another possible hallway

Fort Casey: another possible cell