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- Newly appointed High Representative to the US

Dr. David P. Burkhart.
Dr.David P.Burkart, recently appointed as Earl Marshal of The Hutt River Province, received an Exequatur from Prince Leonard on July 21, 2003 naming him High Representative to the USA .

Sir David, who was appointed as Charge d' Affaires to Miami in 1998, later served as General Representative to Florida. He has been active in communications, liaison and coordination with other active HRPP diplomats throughout the United States and the Western Hemisphere.

In a message to active US diplomats and friends of HRPP, Sir David said

"I am pleased by this expression of confidence and hope that I can do justice to the task at hand--breaking new ground, as it were. I know that I can continue to count on the support and cooperation of all of our regional representatives, as always. As I understand it, the decentralized aspects of our regional representation remain in place; I am here primarily to provide information, support and a central focus where appropriate to our diplomatic interests and communications. No previous appointments of ambassadors, ambassadors at large, or similar honorary positions are affected. All currently active consular representatives holding an exequatur are unaffected. My office is primaily one of liaison and consultation. "

The Hutt River Independent congratulates him with his new position and wish him good luck with the tasks that has been put on his shoulders.

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Last modified 26. July 2003
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