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The EWF's show that happened on october 5th results are now up. And the table that spawn went through is now being sold we have three broken pieces. Click HERE to read the results from october 5th.

The Extreme Wrestling Federation is coming out with a C.D. it is titled EWF Extreme Music Volume 1 Click HERE to read all the info you need about the EWF's first C.D.

THIS JUST IN JUSTIN SANE HAS WON THE EWF WORLD TITLE AT A BEW SHOW FROM HELL RAZOR AND SNAKE EYES IN A TRIPLE THREAT. Spawn one match only helped j insane win the belt in the triple threat elimanation match.

Spawn Is the NEW EWF Cruiserweight champion click HERE for the last 2 EWF Show results

EWF Superstars now have a new Web Site Click HERE to visit it

The PPV (Backyard Blood has been rescheduled. It will now be held on DEVILS NIGHT (may be canceled DUE to rain )Click HERE to read all the info you need.

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