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We have a new member TheCrazyOne. Some of us have played with him before, and I think he will be a great teammate although he need some practice. But in time he will be up in his old FPS skillz i hope ;)

CW Server! According to RAMBUS we will have our CW server up and runing very soon. It will be located Malmö or Karlstad on a 10mb line.

Clanbase Since patch 1.4 now is reality we will re-enter 3v3 SD ladder and already joined 2v2 SD ladder. We still need members before we can enter the 5v5/6v6 SD ladder.




RiF is a Call of Duty clan located in Sweden, to be more exact we all come (atleast for the moment) from south of sweden also known as Skåne. We also know each other IRL, I think its a good thing beacuse then we also have the option of LAN practise and meetings.

RiF will be active in ladders and as many cups possible, to be able to play as many competitions as possible we do need more members.
We only accept members from Sweden, but members dont have to be from Skåne and we dont need to know them IRL.
We do have one rule and that is age, you must be atleast 20 years old. Other requirements is dedication, activity, ventrilo and SKILLZ (J/K).
If you feel that you may fit our team you will find me @ ICQ 51-838-609

Thats all from me at the moment over and out Hostile
ps. remember winning isnt everthing its the only thing ;)

btw. I dont suffer from insanity I enjoy every minute of it!

© CLAN RiF Webmaster Hostile