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“Making Sense of the Christian values..”



The child is infinitely more than a member of a group. He is an individual w/ unique past experiences, capabilities, interests and needs. In a group, he may be comparatively slow, average, or fast  as he struggles to keep pace through ever  changing adjustments to group differences  and moods.
 The ACE program is planned and directed towards the individual and his unique learning needs. He can learn to develop and work at his  own initiative, w/in the limits  of his own speed, and according to his own unique  capabilities. He can be free from confused group pressures and exploit his genius towards individual acceleration and his highest potential. Through controlled motivation, the student accelerates his own success.


 ACE students regularly achieve more than one year for each year in school some as much as two years. By prescribing curricula individually and motivating towards maximum achievement, no fast student is held back and no slow student is compelled to keep up w/ a lock-step group; both will enjoy their individual successes neither will suffer the “failure” image.


 ECA uses PACES, a self-instructional learning package, w/c is supplemented by cassette lectures, resource books, self-tests and examinations. Professional guidance insures control & achievement. Class Rules & Earned Privileges combined to eliminate problems & promote respect for authority. The teacher image as counselor, supervisor & friend is present to stimulate cooperation, maximum learning & respect for leadership.



 Education is life and the Bible is the book of life. It is the basis of all text materials used by ECA. It is the basis of all human relations and principle of teaching. “Daily in the Scripture” is designed for programming the mind to enable the child to see life from God’s point of view. ECA presents a learning and social profile w/c is totally Christian, Humanism, Progressivism, Situation Ethics, & the New Morality are refuted & replaced by the absolute standards of right &wrong.


 From a cross-section of America, Christian Educators & Classroom Teachers w/ advanced degrees in education & many years of classroom experience are working w/ the ACE editorial office in producing Christian curricula in all study areas from grade one to twelve. ACE simply says that if a school is Christian, the curricula w/ the Scriptural method in a Christian church will produce Christian results.


 Although ECA recommends all teachers to hold at least a B. S. Degree in Education, the most important degree of all is the B. A.  (Born Again) in Salvation. For any school to be Christian, all teachers and all members of the staff must be Born Again and separated unto Christ in Christian living. This includes modesty of dress & appearances, meekness of spirit & personality, a love for the students and their need for  Christian education, active in church and community, life clear in conversation & personal life, a student  of the Scriptures. The teacher’s life is the life of his teaching.



 In conventional education, the teacher is central & active & the pupil is passive. The curriculum flows from the knowledge of the teacher w/o individual direction, or assurance of individual reception. In ECA, the pupil is central & active & the teacher prescribes & guides self – directional materials w/c have been prepared by Christian Educators and teachers w/ proficiencies in the core curricula & many years of classroom experience. Through controlled motivation, student’s learning  through action & involvement is realized. The teacher is not taken away from the child, but it is freed from teaching materials, and given to the child for individual guidance & counseling.


 The conventional practice of grading & grouping students according to their chronological age is replaced by multi- grading through Self-Test,  PACE Tests & Diagnostic Testing the child is evaluated relative to vocabulary & skills in each subject. This makes it possible to prescribe his instruction at his actual level of achievement.  His grade level is determined by his  ability, not age.  Students of relative social and mental maturity participate in guided social exchanges around academic & real life materials.


 Children do not come to school as failures;  they go home this way. If a child is placed in an academic situation beyond his capability, he is headed for failure, becomes frustrated , & begins to act irresponsibly. Most delinquents are school failures. Discipline problems in the classroom & a high rate of absenteeism results from frustrations w/c accompany failure. ECA eliminates academic failures  & boredom by eliminating unfair competition & lockstep learning restraints.