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PWSE Rules

A Card will be made, everybody on that card will have until the due date (the live show) to make a maxium of 14 Role Plays (2 RPs Per-Day). The person who makes the best promo's will win their respective match at the PPV (Sort of like a debate but with characters).


- The PWSE is about as big as a large promotion. About the size of WWE.

- The Announcers Are Tony Schivoine and Tazz Here are the rules:

1. RPs are judged off of Quality not Quantity

2. No Racism

3. No Harassment of staff and/or other members of the PWSE.

4. Don't use other people's characters without permission.

5. No racist comments, try and refrain on heavy cussing.

6. Don't come to the PWSE staff irate about a loss, if you have a legit complaint, come to us...peacefully.


8. Two Role Plays A Day. Make Three and the third will be disqualified.

9. More rules can and will be added if needed in given situations.

And thats it....

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