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The most important lesson I learned while searching for my birthfamily is that there can never be too many questions, and even if you don't think you would get an answer it never hurts to ask anyway. The worst result is that you could be told no. I’m not very familiar with searching from the birthparent’s point of view, but here are a few suggestions.


* What name was given to the adoptee?
* Was the adoption finalized? When? In what court?
* Was the adoptee ever in a foster home? When? Where? How many?
* Were there any other court actions taken regarding the adoptee?
* What reason did the adoptive parents give for wanting to adopt?
* Have the adoptive parents contacted the agency since finalization of the adoption?
* Has anybody placed a Consent to Release Identifying Information in the adoptee's file?
* Is there a special form required for filing a Consent to Release Identifying Information?

Adoptive Family

* What were the names and ages of the adoptive parents?
* How long had the adoptive parents been married?
* Were the adoptive parents from the local area?
* What physical description is listed for the adoptive parents?
* What medical information is listed for the adoptive parents?
* What educational information is listed for the adoptive parents?
* What occupational information is listed for the adoptive parents?
* What military information is listed for the adoptive parents?
* What were the adoptive parents' nationalities?
* What were the adoptive parents' religious preferences?
* What were the names and ages of other children in the home?
* Were any of the other children adopted by this family? When?

Graphics By Patch Of Heaven Designs - Copyright 08/08/2004 Dondally Brester (Marcella Stubbs)