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My name is Dondally Brester, and I am an Adoptee. I began searching for my birthfamily in 1990 and since then have located both birthparents, four siblings, my birthmother's brother and his wife, and one of my birthfather's brothers. You can read about my adoption search in more detail at Journey Of The Heart: An Adoptee's Search For Truth

I was first introduced to the world of internet searching in 1998 when a Search Angel suggested that I seek assistance for my own search. I found the online search and reunion groups and Search Angels to be very supportive and made several new friends. In September 2002, I started Washington State Adoption Search to help others who were searching in Washington State. Ownership of that group has since been passed on to Julie Mooreread.

I have recently started a new online search and reunion group to help those who are searching in Yakima County, Washington. If you are involved in an adoption search in Yakima County, Washington and would like help with your search, please join Yakima County Adoption Search or email me at and I will get back to you ASAP.

I am also in the process of researching the requirements for obtaining certification as a Confidential Intermediary in Washington state. The internet doesn't seem to have a large amount of information on how to become a CI, and the county courthouse is proving to be an obstacle. If anybody knows where I can obtain this information, your help would be much appreciated.

Best wishes to all who are searching, as well as those who have found and are on the road to reunion. May the angels guide you on your journey. Please stop by our guestbook to share your search and read about the searches of others.

Graphics By Patch Of Heaven Designs - Copyright 08/08/2004 Dondally Brester (Marcella Stubbs)