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Super Ninja Flash 5 Ultimate Special Limited Letterbox Collector's Number One Super Duper Commemorative Full-Screen Director's Cut Edition

Click here to watch the Trailer!!!(13.8MB zipped)


This was our entry into the UW's 24 Hour Film Contest, based on a concept by Jamie and Morgan.

A Corner Studios Production
Director: Morgan
Producer: Anton
Camera/Dir. Of Photography: JJ
Fight Choreography: Jamie, JJ, Anton, Morgan, Andy
Grips: Marc, Jamie
Documentary Director: Jamie
Documentary Camera: Jamie, Marc
Best Boy: Marc
Pizza Delivery Boy: Marc
Editors: Marc, Andy, Jamie
Packaging design: Anton
Computer Technician: Darren
Catering: Scott
Filmed and Edited at DeweyRanch

UW Film Club Judges Award: 4th Place

Movie Screenshots

A squishy globe toy, our required prop for the movie

Anton, the mysterious Man #3, is distracted from his reading (notice the newspaper prop that appeared earlier in The Ron Gann Project)

Anton standing over a corpse

The globe sits on the floor after a horrible accident

Close up of Man #1

Man #1 in battle

a mysterious object floats in the air

Behind the Scenes Pictures

Aftermath of the milk spill

Anton, in costume, watches the action on the set

JJ, Dir. of Photography and Cameraman, confers with actors Andy and Morgan about the footage they just shot

JJ, Dir. of Photography and Cameraman, talks to actors Andy and Morgan

JJ, Dir. of Photography and Cameraman

Jamie, the Documentary Director at work

Jamie at work

Jamie shooting some documentary footage

Sneaking up on the filming of a CS movie is hard to do...

Premiere - 12/08/02

The two main stars of the film, Andy and Morgan.

CS members: (from left to right) Morgan, Andy, Anton, Jamie, and JJ (Marc is taking the picture) Don't worry - the entire theater filled up soon after these pictures.