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Commandur's Headquarters

 Commandur's Headquarters 

Main Page
My Old Website
My New Website



Screenshot from Anarcy Online

Welcome to Commandur's HQ!
If you came from my Star Wars Galaxies page, click here to return.

This is a site designed by myself, commandur, in order to make information about games (and some other subjects) available to all my friends out there. Use the NavMenu titled "Navigation" to see other parts of my site. Well, I hope you enjoy all the info., photos, and downloads availible here. Have a nice stay! (-:

Site History
3/4/05: Added HK-47 mp3's to Downloads section.
8/4/02: I created this web site.
8/5/02: I added the downloads section.
8/27/02: I updated a few links and changed the layout of the page.
8/1/03: Added link to a new website I put up.
8/1/03: Added the "About Me" section below.

Recent additions:

  • Added HK-47 mp3's to the Downloads section.

  • Rock, Paper, Scissors (RPS) v2.1 is a game created by myself simply as a type of hobby and way to promote my own site. RPS was designed for three players for simultaneous playing on the same computer and keyboard, but it also has the ability for one player and two player games with computerized sub-ins. I must warn you that the AI for the computerized characters sucks though. Gameplay in RPS is simple, if you are the paper- get the rock, the scissors- the paper, or the rock- the scissors. Go on, try it out from the downloads section.

Link to my newest site: (Star Wars Galaxies webpage.) (Older version of SWG site) 

Future Developments
I plan to add several things to this web page in the future. One is a webpage for any clubs, clans, or other computer game-related group pages. Another is information about some games, and additions to the downloads section.

About Me (Like you really care...)
I like playing computer games (obviously) and most of my hobbies revolve around the computer even if it isn't a game - such as designing this web page. I'm also trying to get a book started that I hope to someday publish. Those that aren't really computer related are:



Backpacking Trips

Riding my bike

Fishing (never caught a bloody fish yet)

Hanging out with friends

Watching movies, either on TV or at the Cinema

Making Jokes

Sketching (I like drawing, but never really got into painting)

Coming up with crazy, yet possible scenarios. (People who come up with impossible or very near impossible scenarios and try to make an argument with it really get on my nerves at times.)

Laughing at people for actually reading everything on my web page since they have nothing better to do. Hey, but it's okay, keep reading in the other sections... go for it. If you are really bored, you might want to try my RPS game.


Game Links:

Game Companies:

Fan Sites:

Webmaster Email:

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