Classmate Updates



Daniel Everett

Rio Rico, AZ

Questionnaire time…

1) Where are you in life? Stuck in Arizona. Doing the daily grind.

2) Significant others? None to speak of.

3) # of Children? None that I know of.

4) Hobbies, interests? Traveling to places where it’s cooler. Or at least where there’s a tropical breeze. Brewing beer and playing a little guitar.

5) Best place visited since graduation? Maui or Charleston, SC, or Calgary. I think they all have their good point.

6) Something about HS? Too much good stuff.

7) Miles to reunion? Roughly 1200.


Jonathan Arnold

Dana Point, CA

Questionnaire time…

1) Where are you in life? In the process of getting my career established. As well as working with my BF on building a firm/strong friendship/partnership since we started dating almost 2 years ago.

2) Significant others? I have a partner and his name is Tim Murrieta. No children and no pets.

4) Hobbies, interests? Landscaping, cooking, traveling, collecting wine, painting, etc…

5) Best place visited since graduation? Other than trips taken throughout the year (for that it would be the Caribbean/Puerto Rico), it would be OC.

7) Miles to reunion? 1,144 miles.


Jennifer St Clair (Kniert)

218 N 2nd St

Elma, WA

Questionnaire time…

1) Where are you in life? At my address which is listed above!

2) Significant others? I have a son, a dog, and a cat, oh and my son’s fish. I’m not married.

3) # of Children? One son names Hunter, age 3.

4) Hobbies, interests? Softball, drinking, and of course, boxing!!!

5) Best place visited since graduation? Montesano

6) Something about HS? It was very clicky!!

7) Miles to reunion? Why? Are you planning on changing it?


Bob Balderston

913 S 27th Ave

Yakima, WA

Questionnaire time…

1) Where are you in life? Single, but committed (in a relationship, not a sanitarium) for ~ 1 ½ years. Graduated with BA in Math Education and teaching for 5 years. Finishing a thesis for my Master’s Degree (hope to be done by August 2006).

2) Significant others? Girlfriend: Jenn Wooters for ~ 1 ½ years. No kids that will claim me. No pets or plants that survived.

3) # of Children? 0

4) Hobbies, interests? Die-hard skier in Winter. Track and field consumes me most of the Spring.

5) Best place visited since graduation? Spain. No competition to that! Beautiful women and beaches, easy and cheap travel, Superb food, cheap accommodations.

6) Something about HS? I remember Sophomore typing class (whatever it was called)…Tim Sjolund and I copied everything off each other, but he got a full letter grade better at report card time, AND (insult on top of injury) Mrs. Whitmore would send Nikki Martin over to flirt with me so they could both laugh when I turned red. Good times….good times.

7) Miles to reunion? About 200. But, if I had to, I’d be willing to go at least 300.


Robin Melton-Grange (Knierim)

Questionnaire time…

1) Where are you in life? A happy homemaker, living in Elma, married with kids.

2) Significant others? Got remarried in Feb. 2006 to Scott Grange.

3) # of Children? 5 kids – 1 on the way. Anthony is 12, Michaela is 8, Issiah is 6, Johnny is 5, Noah is 3. Baby due Oct. 2, 2006.

7) Miles to reunion? 1 mile


Tomi Delaney (Stevenson)

Questionnaire time…

1) Where are you in life? A few years ago, I sold my business in order to have more time with my children. Having enough time with them was really important to me and I absolutely love to be home with them and be so involved with their lives. We own 2 homes and are about ready to sell both to buy 10-20 acres and buld a home. We want to raise our children on a farm around horses and farm experiences.

2) Significant others? I married my wonderful husband in 1999. He is an Electrician and works for Rokos is Centrailia. He is an amazing father and husband.

3) # of Children? Ralph and I tried to get pregnant for over 6 years of our marriage. After years of fertility treatments, we were finally able to adopt a beautiful baby girl from the Island of Yap in Micronesia. I was able to be present at her birth and was the first to hold and feed her. She will be 2 years old in September. Only 2 months after returning home from Yap, I found out I was pregnant with our darling son. He was born in September and is almost 9 months old now.

4) Hobbies, interests? We don't have a lot of time for hobbies right now with the kids being so young and close in age, but we love to go camping, road trips, we lead the children's ministry at our church, gardening, and crocheting (hahaha). I actually crochet miniature bears and sell them on ebay. I know it sounds funny, but I get $40.00-$100 per bear. It is a lot of fun and a lot of money!

5) Best place visited since graduation? Guam, The island of Yap in Micronesia (Amazing), Mexico (Mission Trips), Canada, Hawaii, California.

6) Something about HS? So many great memories. Probably skipping class and driving around town. The football games.

7) Miles to reunion? Only about 20 miles.


Julie Bower

Olympia, WA

Questionnaire time…

1) Where are you in life? I have been working for the State of Washington for 6 years. I am currently a Supervisor for DSHS. I bought my first house 4 years ago, recently sold it for twice as much as I paid for it. Am currently building a house that my fiancé and I designed. It should be done shortly.

2) Significant others? My fiance's name is Isaac. We plan to be married in 2007. Two black labs - Katie and Ben. 2 cats - Herman and Jiz. (you can thank my brother for my cats names)

3) # of Children? Not ready for kids yet. I am not done playing.

4) Hobbies, interests? I love the outdoors! playing softball, riding quads, playing with the dogs and working on the farm any chance I can.

5) Best place visited since graduation? Hawaii, New York and Oregon Coast.

6) Something about HS? Too many stories to just put one. Probably hanging out at the farm with Miranda, Christina and Nichole is what I remember the most.

7) Miles to reunion? 30 miles


Misty Aberle (Macomber)

Avondale, Arizona

Questionnaire time…

1) Where are you in life? Right now I am taking a leave from my career to stay at home with our daughter Lauryn- and LOVING IT! I was working for Guaranty Title Agency as an Escrow Officer. I've been in the business for 4 1/2 years. Daryl is a Manager for Purcell's Tire in Glendale. We bought our home (it's actually our 2nd home) here in July of 2003. Planning on moving back home (or close to it) eventually.

2) Significant others? Daryl and I were married August 14, 2004. Lauryn was born December 21, 2005. No pets until we have a nice big backyard that isn't just rocks and desert lizards!

3) # of Children? Lauryn Marie Aberle, currently 4 months

4) Hobbies, interests? Watching Lauryn grow.. to see the world through a child's eyes! Hockey, Baseball, relaxing at home.

5) Best place visited since graduation? Home, there's just nothing like it!

6) Something about HS? There are so many... friends, softball

7) Miles to reunion? About 1200 miles


Nichole Hicks

Questionnaire time…

1) Where are you in life? I moved back to Elma about 1 year ago, and I really like being back.

2) Significant others? Well I have never been married...but I have a wonderful son.

3) # of Children? Colin, he will be 6 May 19th

4) Hobbies, interests? I enjoy hanging out with friends, but my life pretty much revolves around Colin and I really enjoy it!

5) Best place visited since graduation? Colin and I are going to Silverwood next month...I think that will be the best place so far, because we are going to have a BLAST!!!

6) Something about HS? I had so much fun...I don't know if I could pick just one

7) Miles to reunion? I just have to drive a couple miles into town


Shane P. Soto

3938 Linn Ave St

Albany, OR 97322


Questionnaire time…

1) Where are you in life? I have been working as a Deputy Sheriff for the Linn County Sheriff’s Office for 6 years. Bought our first home in February of 2005.

2) Significant others? Married October 28, 2005. Wife, Cynthea Ann Soto. Dog: Bear, Cat: Sam. New baby girl, born 03/30/06 at 8:38 am.

3) # of Children? 2 daughters. Kassydee Rose Soto, age 7. Kadence Coryne Soto, age 7 days (at time of writing).

4) Hobbies, interests? Drag racing, softball and tattoos.

5) Best place visited since graduation? Disneyland

6) Something about HS? Working for Mr. Hawthorne. What a nut! Getting Mr. Hull and Nadeau to talk about something and wasting a whole period. Showing up late to Rick’s class because Brandon and I went and got a teriyaki bowl and bubble gum ice cream.

7) Miles to reunion? About 3 ½ hours. Not sure about the miles.


Grady Johnson

3660 Westland Ct SE

Port Orchard, WA 98336

Questionnaire time…

1) Where are you in life? Right where I want to be. I own my own house. I’m married, have a good job, and I just bought my 1st new car.

2) Significant others? Just got married on April 1, 2006 to my beautiful wife, Michelle. We have a dog named Lily.

3) # of Children? 0

4) Hobbies, interests? Working on my house, drinking, television, camping, rafting and skiing.

5) Best place visited since graduation? The best place I have been was Pullman. That was the best 5 years of my life.

6) Something about HS? The fondest memory of high school was Woodard’s class where we often stole his answer book and let an occasional chicken loose in his room. Or there was the time we would watch pornos in Japanese class while Mildred Weld was out of the room.

7) Miles to reunion? We will be traveling about 1 ½ hours to the reunion.


Elisabeth Sharpes (Rennie)

Olympia, WA

Questionnaire time…

1) Where are you in life? I’m recently married and living in Olympia. My husband & I just bought a vintage home near the Capitol. I went to WSU after high school, and have been working in the Seattle area for the past 6 years. I currently work for as an Immigration Specialist in the HR Department (from my home office).

2) Significant others? Josh & I met on a rafting trip in Bend, and got married in January 2006

3) # of Children? no kids

4) Hobbies, interests? I love anything outdoors…snowboarding, backpacking, running, hiking. I’m also into music, and enjoy seeing live shows around Seattle & Portland.

5) Best place visited since graduation? I spent my junior year in college studying in Costa Rica, which is gorgeous!

6) Something about HS? Swing choir trips to Mexico, the Oregon Coast, & Disneyland.

7) Miles to reunion? 30 miles.


Michelle (Ulgaray) and Jeff Poston

PO Box 85

McCleary, WA 98557

Questionnaire time…

1) Where are you in life? Life is great for us, we moved back to this area 1 year ago and built a house. Jeff is a Civil Engineer for the Federal Government and I am an Insurance Agent and soon to be agency owner.

2) Significant others? We have two wonderful boys & 1 chocolate lab, Ruger! Jeff and I were married in 1999.

3) # of Children? Brycen, 5 years old & Jace, 2 ½ years.

4) Hobbies, interests? Michelle – Shopping, camping & traveling. Jeff – Hunting, fishing, camping & traveling.

5) Best place visited since graduation? Hawaii, New York, Florida, Vegas, Japan.

6) Something about HS? Michelle – 1) Skipping class with the girls and going to Taco Bell! 2) Driving around town & changing the reader boards!

7) Miles to reunion? Just a hop, skip, & a jump!


Chantol Sego (Holcomb)

McCleary, WA

Questionnaire time…

1) Where am I? I went to the University of Puget Sound for college and married my high school sweetheart, of course, between my sophomore and junior years of college. I graduated in 2000 with a BA in English (Creative Writing). I am now working in Tacoma for Mellon Analytical Solutions (technology/software) as a Client Support Coordinator leading a team that supports Sales and Client Service and doing sales/product analysis and database administration. It’s not at all where I thought I’d be, so I do freelance writing and editing projects on the side as well as coordinate weddings.

2) Significant others? Jeremy and I have been married for 8 years this summer. We have two little girls that keep us very busy and never bored.

3) # of Children? 2 girls. Samantha is 5 ½ and Sydney is 2 ½ . They amaze me everyday and I have learned more from them than I ever did in college.

4) Hobbies, interests? Besides editing and wedding coordination, I am VERY SLOWLY working towards my private pilots’ license. Other than that, I attend as many of Samantha’s school functions as a working mom possibly can.

5) Best place visited since graduation? I haven’t traveled as much as I’d like too, though I really liked Minnesota. I’d have to say that the Grand Canyon was definitely amazing!

6) Something about HS? It was so much nicer being a cheerleader for Elma where we actually won our sporting events. Academic schools really don’t have that great of sports teams.

7) Miles to reunion? The entire 10 miles from McCleary to Elma.


Jeremy Coulson

Anchorage, Alaska

Questionnaire time…

1) Where are you in life? I live in Anchorage, Alaska. I have owned my own home for 3 years and I am going to be selling it in a couple of month to upgrade into a larger home.

2) Significant others? I am married to a loving wife, Terra. I have two dogs and own a new Chevy truck.

3) # of Children? I don't have kids yet. not really ready for them. Maybe in the near future.

4) Hobbies, interests? I’m into biking, hiking, fishing, snow boarding, jogging in the summer time and I go to the gym about 6 days a week.

5) Best place visited since graduation? I served in the Air force for four years, that’s how I came to Alaska. I've been to Korea but the best place I've been so far I Hawaii. I will be going to Mexico next year.

6) Something about HS? I remember being one of the fattest kids in our class and always missing out on having a chance with all the hot girls.

7) Miles to reunion? If I was going to be there I would have traveled over 3000 miles.

I wish you all the best and I hope every one is happy and healthy.


Mary Boling

904 Harding Rd

Elma, WA 98541

Questionnaire time…

1) Where are you in life? Since graduating I have stayed living in Elma. I worked as a travel agent for 9 years in Aberdeen and have since moved to being a Travel Agent at AAA in Olympia.

2) Significant others? ? I will be getting married July 8th and have one child.

3) # of Children? Andrew (Rew) is 3 1/2

4) Hobbies, interests? I love to travel and spend time with my family

5) Best place visited since graduation? Hmm...I would have to say Hawaii and Morocco.

6) Something about HS? I can't just pick one...I have many fond memories. Watching my child grow up though I think a lot about the teachers we had :p

7) Miles to reunion? 4 miles


Aaron Whiteman

Questionnaire time…

1) Where are you in life? Happy. I have a job I enjoy in an environment that can’t be beat.

2) Significant others? Nope.

3) # of Children? 0

4) Hobbies, interests? About the same as 10 years ago. Tinkering on cars, mountain biking. I try to spend more time outside.

5) Best place visited since graduation? A couple of years ago, I spent Christmas and New Years with family and friends in Hawaii. It was great to visit the islands with a local perspective, but watching the Cougs play in a bowl game at 6 am was…interesting.

6) Something about HS? Sadly, I remember how nice it was to not spend 6 hours a day in HS. The daily drive to Grays Harbor CC was tedious, but better then sitting in class! My best actual HS memory was Mr. Snodgrass’s freshman English class.

7) Miles to reunion? About 350 miles, 400 if I take the scenic route.


Timm Parnham

Questionnaire time…

1) Where are you in life? About where I thought I would be. I wanted to see the world before I got to old to truly enjoy it. Now I have been to almost every corner of the world. Now? Well???

2) Significant others? No

3) # of Children? None

4) Hobbies, interests? Outdoor sports, travel.

5) Best place visited since graduation? Ibiza, Spain or Stonehenge, England

6) Something about HS? Friends. I know that is vague, but I can’t remember a specific event. I just remember my old friends.

7) Miles to reunion? 50 unless I have moved already, then about 2000.


Rebecca Johnson

212 N F St, Apt A-2

Elma, WA 98541

Questionnaire time…

1) Where are you in life? I just recently started attending South Puget Sound Community College in the Early Childhood Education program. I’m a care provider for my Granny and last but most definitely not least, I’m a single mom of the two best kids in the world.

2) Significant others? No one new per say, Just me, my Peyton & my Kayli and our 5 year old crazy cat, Oreo.

3) # of Children? I have 2 kids. My son Peyton is 9 ½ years old and my daughter Kayli is 2 ½ years old.

4) Hobbies, interests? I love photography. It’s my passion.

7) Miles to reunion? Less than 1 mile. I only have to go around the corner.


Chris Mathis

515 W. Waldrip / PO Box 1751

Elma, WA 98541

Questionnaire time…

1) Where are you in life? Just finishing up with paramedic school and continuing my career in the fire service.

2) Significant others? No.

3) # of Children? None.

4) Hobbies, interests? Playing softball, just relaxing for the most part.

5) Best place visited since graduation? Through the entire west side of the country.

6) Something about HS? Not a lot. Tried to forget.

7) Miles to reunion? 1 or 2.


Christina Meashell Suggs (Massey)

7445 SW 128th Lane

Lake Butler, FL 32054

Questionnaire time…

1) Where are you in life? Since graduation I have lived and worked in Lake Butler, Florida. I do accounting and bookkeeping. I’m married with two children.

2) Significant others? Got married October 11, 1997 to Josh Suggs. We have 2 kids, a boy and a girl. Cat we call Juki, dog named Pepper.

3) # of Children? Madison Christine is 4, Ryley Steven is 20 months.

4) Hobbies, interests? Camping, traveling, softball, church

5) Best place visited since graduation? Thompson Falls, Montana – Mission trip.

7) Miles to reunion? Approximately 3300.


Heather Dietz (Hoyle)

Questionnaire time…

1) Where are you in life? Finally learning the meaning of settling down. Just over the past ½ year, I have finished my schooling and my husband and I are starting a family. My husband owns a Farmers Insurance Agency and I have opened my own practice here in Boise. We are loving every minute of it!

2) Significant others? Matthew and I were married October 19, 2002. In March 2003, we picked out the perfect companion ½ husky, ½ Border Collie, Wrigley. July 9th, 2006 is our due date for our 1st born.

3) # of Children? ½ - Expecting. The little one will be arriving a few weeks prior to the reunion (so there is a good chance we’ll miss it  )

4) Hobbies, interests? Not sure. I finally have some time to explore the things I enjoy outside work. Anything active and outdoors!

5) Best place visited since graduation? Home! It is wonderful to finally be home with all of my family, it was a long road.

6) Something about HS? We had a great class! So many memories…can’t pick one or two.

7) Miles to reunion? Boise to Elma – approx. 500 or so.


Danielle Rector (Kunze)

2001 N Walnut #108

Ellensburg, WA 98926

Questionnaire time…

1) Where are you in life? I’m good in life. I stay home with my 3 kids. My husband works. Later on when my 3 year old goes to school, I’ll do some school, but for now I’m happy.

2) Significant others? My husband is Glenn Rector. We got married on July 17, 2002. We have three kids…Makayla, Mithcelle, and Tristan.

3) # of Children? Makayla is 8, Mitchelle is 6, and Tristan is 3.

4) Hobbies, interests? We love to camp every other weekend in the summer.

5) Best place visited since graduation? I went to Alaska for a week. It was awesome.

6) Something about HS? Photography class was my favorite class with all my friends and the fun pictures we got to take.

7) Miles to reunion? 4 hours.


Troy Whipple

1541 Lakepark Dr SW

Tumwater, WA 98512

Questionnaire time…

1) Where are you in life? I’m not where I thought I would be, but I’m further than I thought I could be.

2) Significant others? I’m engaged with no date set as of the present.

3) # of Children? No children, but dog guide as my fiancée is blind.

4) Hobbies, interests? Travel, music, entertainment.

5) Best place visited since graduation? Several states, Mexico, occasions to Las Vegas but the topper is probably the Bahamas on cruise.

6) Something about HS? Spirit week – school colors!

7) Miles to reunion? 1500 miles from my vacation home in Phoenix where I’ll be in June and July. Otherwise, 30 miles from primary residence.


Allen Le Vie

Hello All Who Read This

This is the memoirs of:

Allen Le Vie

7115 Hedgemaple Ct

Las Vegas, NV 89148

Questionnaire time…

1) Where am I? Well, for starters I’m in Las Vegas. I joined the Air Force in 1997. After being at Keesler AFB, MS for nine months of training I got stationed at McChord AFB in Washington. I spent three years + there; got married in 1999 and in 2002 I was selected for my current assignment in Lost Wages (Vegas). I don’t know how I ever dealt with all the rain. It is a special occasion when it rains here; a sort of oddity. I love the weather and hate the traffic. My current enlistment will put me at ten years in the service so I think it would be a waste not to go to twenty years and retire.

2) Significant others? Like I just mentioned, I got married 20 November, 1999, to Bridgit (Murphy – of North River).

3) # of Children? One. We just had a son on the 20th of October, 2005. I was the last of my family to finally have a kid.

4) Hobbies, interests? I still enjoy mountain biking, hiking and I just picked up fishing in the past year. I also have done a lot of running lately. I participated in the inaugural Las Vegas Marathon this past December and finished.

5) Best place visited since graduation? I can’t say...?

6) Something about HS? My favorite days were in our senior year and Mr. Boyer’s morning philosophy class which included coffee and doughnut runs.

7) Miles to reunion? If I can make it, it would be about 1100 miles.


Josh Drewien

1917 W cherry CT


1) Where are you in life? I run a restaurant in Stanley, Idaho, it is a resort town and own a house in Boise.

2) Do you have any new significant others? Getting married to Kerena on April 11th, one 5 year old child named Savannah.

3) # of Children? One. Savannah is 5.

4) What are you special interests or hobbies? I edit videos for local hospitals in the northwest as well as S.F. and LA.

5) Where’s the best place you have been since graduation? Earth

6) Tell us something you remember about High School? Dr. Dunn...........word

7) How many miles will you travel to attend this reunion? 600.
