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You’ve reached the official website for the Halo 2 clan TEAM WAC, the gathering point for all clan members and friends and the portal to the rest of the Halo community. Here you can check clan statistics, upcoming events, the latest news, downloads, or post and read on the clan forum. A first time viewer of this site? Read on to learn more about who we are…

CLAN TEAM WAC is a Halo 2 clan born out of New Jersey,and steadily making waves across the Halo Online community with members across the USA. A question always asked- what does WAC mean- is, for some a surprising answer; WAC stands for "we're all crap". This in no way, however, reflects the clan's skill level. Instead, it represents the importance of unity and teamwork. Individually, we can only do so much- we're crap; together, however, we are strong. There is great power and strength in togetherness. TEAM WAC is the embodiment of this power and strength. Members unite together to create a force to be reckoned with. Bound by loyalty, honor, and brotherhood, TEAM WAC has repeatedly proven itself an elite group, one which is well-known, feared, and respected.

The Military Basis
Having originated in the room of the now United States Navy soldier Andrew Shopland, TEAM WAC emphasizes strong military influences in his honor. Members have come to be known by their individual military alphabet name, such as alpha and bravo. Standard marine core ranking signifies each member’s status and specialty, from Private to Sergeant Major. Rank is earned by skill level, victory in battle, and time in the clan. The WAC logo, Delta symbol, and military colors unify the team, bringing these soldiers together- a group of elite warriors.
Click here for the Official CLAN TEAM WAC logo!

Clan Rules
CLAN TEAM WAC members are bound and strengthened by a strict set of rules. It is the TEAM WAC belief that a firm clan structure creates a firm fighting force. Invidial members are a reflection of the clan as a whole; the rules below, moreso than one's rank or position, define these individuals. They are warrriors, bound by honor, loyalty, and brotherhood. These qualities which define each member define TEAM WAC. All rules are strictly enforced and must always be abided by:
  1. LOYALTY TO THE CLAN (Always represent clan with pride in spirit and by the designated clan logo(see above), which must always be displayed. Never going against clan members or breaking the other two rules)
  2. BROTHERHOOD AMONG CLAN MEMBERS (Friendship, trust, and likeness towards all members, regardless of rank or position. Respect for all senior members.)
  3. HONOR IN BATTLE (No trash-talking before, after, or during a match. No cheating of any kind or any other act that would disgrace the clan and its name.)

How To Join
CLAN TEAM WAC, unlike many other clans, does not limit membership to higher leveled individuals of any kind. It is our belief that a strong clan is a well-rounded one, with individuals of all different specialities and skill levels. Thus, anyone can tryout to become a member of CLAN TEAM WAC. Not everyone, however, is TEAM WAC material. We will not accept anyone who cannot swear by the clan rules or has a record of previous cheating or dishonor. All members must be invited only by the clan leader, WAC BRAVO (gamertag: TEAMWAC)and initiated by the entire clan. If accepted, the individual will be given instructions for proper symbol usage and will be asigned a military name, which will denote his or her rank and position in the clan. The individual will also receive a section on this site on which he or she may post stats and a bio. If you are interested in joining, contact the Sergaent Major of CLAN TEAM WAC, WAC BRAVO (David Perez) by his gamertag on XBox Live, TEAMWAC, or email

Cool Stuff
Download a sweet Halo 2 Combat Evolved Screensaver!
File fize: 1929 Kb
Click HERE to download
Get the official Halo 2 skin for Windows Media Player 10!!
File Size: 4.99 MB
Created By: The Skins Factory 
Requires: Windows XP and Windows Media Player 10
K I L L   L E A D E R S
  1. WAC BRAVO (Sergeant Major)
  2. WAC DELTA (Private)
  3. WAC YANKEE (Private)
  4. WAC KILO (Private)
  5. WAC TANGO (Private)


08/18/2005 Minor Clanmatch
  Game Type: Neutral Flag
  Board: Sanctuary
  Score: 2 - 0, TEAM WAC

08/18/2005 Minor Clanmatch
  Game Type: CTF Classic
  Board: Warlock
  Opponents: Blue Team
  Score: 3 - 2, TEAM WAC
For More Clan Matches, Click HERE