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Kim's Page in Work


Hey all! can you believe that I actually changed my web page, it only took like 2 years but I've done it! Woo-hoo. Anyways, for those who don't know, I'm Kim. I live in West Seattle, Wa. Its great here, I have friends who keep me livin'. If they weren't around I wouldn't know what to do. I know I'm probably gonna get yelled at for this, but I'm not doing names of all my peoples, because too many people are involved in my life right now to write them all down. You all know of course though, that I still love you all. Um, I'm a cheer leader @ CSHS, I love sports in general, and I'm an outdoorsy kinda person. You can just ask my campers at Camp Wahoo, over on the N. fork of the Teanaway River. If it were possible I'd spend my life up there, but unfortunately... there's that whole fact of school, and jobs, and all that stuff in life you really don't want to put up with but you do anyways. Oh well though, I still have pictures to remind me of what I'm missing during the year, including beautiful pictures of my Buckshot Boy. The most awsome horse in the universe. He's the perfect colored buckskin you will ever see in your life time. I kid you not.


As for things I like to do, lately I've been into the real poety-artsy kinda stuff. You know... that feeling where you wanna be connected to mother nature and feel like your creating purpose in a chaotic world. I dunno, I guess it makes sense to me, if no one else. I'm kinda diggin' it though. It's making my life a little less super-ficial and more worthy. Its almost easier not having to worry about anything, than having to worry about everything. When you care less about the little things, the big things just seem to fall into place. On the other hand I'm going to make my life 20 times more difficult next spring as I'm in the process now of finding a rock climbing class. I've done the hiking, the riding, the parasailing, and all but I want something more than that. I want to pull myself to the top, not just walk up a trail. I told you I was outdoorsy, well is that outdoorsy enough for ya?! Anyways, if you happen to read this and know of a good place in the Washington area for lessons or to get gear, send me an e-mail and I'll look into it.


Let's see, what else is there to write about, oh yeah. The ever interesting love life. Oh god, I don't know if I even want to get started on that. Lets just say my love life is hectic yet not hectic. Its more confusing then anything else... but I'm always looking for that special one whom stands out in a crowd. The one who thinks a little differently, acts a little differently, and doesn't just flow with the never ending wave. I've only found 2 people in my life who I've ever really thought I could see myself with for a long time... but at the chicken-shit rate I seem to go with guys, I'm never gonna get my chance with them, or with them again.


Well, I can't truely say as I have anything much more to tell ya about. I mean, I'm pretty easy going. Its truely hard as hell to get me mad, you can just ask anyone... but watch out if you hit that nerve of mine, I'm likely to explode when given a reason. Maybe I should have named this section "warning" instead, LoL. But as for now, I think I'm gonna leave this page as it is and change it again sooner or later when I feel the need to express myself as something else to the world. Love ya lots! Bye!

Fav things to do:

My Favorite Web Sites

Fright Gallery Haunted House
