1. We must expand Cascadia's network of rail lines. We must also expand Intercity bus services as well as propose regional high-speed rail service. Mass transit systems also must integrate their timetables to ensure smooth transferring for riders who take long distance commutes.

2. To encourage the use of alternative transportation, such as the use of natural gas, solar, or electrical vehicles as well as bicycles.

3. There needs to be high standards in motor vehicle efficiency raising the standard to a minimum of 48 miles per gallon by 2010.

4. The current Interstate highway system to be renamed the Cascadian National system, which will be run and maintained by the state's transportation departments. On the Cascadian National system, there should be one lane designated with no speed limit. The remaining lanes would be subjected to speed limits set by the states.

5. We must search for using different road surfaces that will be long-lasting and yet safe for the enviroment.

6. Give companies incentives for encouraging employers to use alternative transport for commuting to and from work. We need to see the expansion of these programs.

7. The CNP must address the current debacles of the proposed Sound Transit system. There needs to be no backtracking and incompetence on transit systems that the people voted for. Those that run systems should be accountable and be consistent. Those governing positions in any transit systems in Cascadia should be elected positions voted on by the people of Cascadia in the regions they live in.

8. All future government vehicles from Federal, State, and local should have a high standard of fuel efficiency as well as the use of fuel alternatives.

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