1. The CNP firmly believes that all Cascadians should have adequate health care however we also take into account that people should have a choice in how they may receive health care. The CNP supports a universal health system at the state level. A health care system that can be used as a option for those who need it. The state health insurance will be available as an option for those who cannot afford private health insurance.

2. The CNP supports continuing private medical providers, private doctors, hospitals, and clinics but these services must be subjected to provide affordable health care.

3. While the CNP supports private medical services, there should be the establishment at the local levels free health services for those in dire need.

4. The right of a woman to choose abortion particularly in the case of rape, incest, and the endangerment of a woman's life is to be respected and defended by local, state, and national law.

5. The CNP believes in welfare aid however it does not believe in "hand-outs". The CNP wants to promote a "give and take" approach. Any recipient of monetary welfare and unemployment must give back their time to the community or state. The CNP wants to give recipients choices. The options are in the form of the establishment of three services. A. Community Action Services: Local -based groups that do services around their neighborhoods like clean-ups, volunteering reading to children, working with at-risk youths, and public safety. B. Job and Educational Training Services and C. Environmental Cleaning. If recipients fail to commit to these services then assistance can be withheld or withdrawn

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