1. To privatize all hard alcohol sales as well as abolishing the 2 AM to 6 AM sales ban. The drinking age lowered to 19.

2. The CNP recognizes the dangers of tobacco use and through education we can prevent people from smoking. The CNP is against the ban of smoking in public places and will leave the prohibition of smoking to the owners of buildings, offices, businesses, restaurants, and bars. The current laws in the books while may have the best intentions of public safety in mind, infringes on personal freedoms.

3. The CNP firmly supports the separation of church and state. No official oath shall be taken with the mention of "God". However, the person in question taking the oath can request their book of faith or symbol of faith to take the oath. The CNP also respects the freedom of worship for all.

4. All land owned by the U.S. federal government shall be returned back to the states to be used in accordance to how the state sees fit. Some land should be used in matters of national security i.e. military bases or scientific research.

5. The people should have a greater say in government revenue and how it is used. There also needs to be more accountability and how the money is being spent. The CNP wants to find ways to receive revenue in a less intrusive but beneficial manner. The CNP also calls for the elimination of the sales tax in the state of Washington and replace it with an income tax.

6. All rights and freedoms of gays, lesbians, and even transgender will be respected and all unions of couples and benefits will be recognized and protected by state and federal law.

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