1. To abolish the prohibition of the growing, the sale and use of Marijuana for medicinal and recreational pruposes. The CNP also believes that other drugs should be legalized and all should be strictly regulated under state government control. Drug abuse should be treated as a medical problem and strong treatment programs and education for the public should be put in place as opposed to treating drug users as common criminals. Other drugs such as meth and crack would continue to be illegal.

2. Abolish vice laws regarding prostitution and gambling. These should be regulated and controlled by local governments within Cascadia.

3. Law enforcement must change their priorities. More emphasis on going after and punish to fullest extent of the law those who commit more serious crimes such as murder, theft, assault, rape, spousal/partner/child abuse just to name a few.

4. Abolish the death penalty.

5. Put an end to the "us and them" mentality between law enforcement and the public. The CNP is strongly in favor of better background checks on those who apply for positions in law enforcement to weed out any potential "bad apples". The CNP calls for an independent civilian complaints bureau to keep law enforcement in check. Those law enforcement officers who witness any wrong doing by their peers should be obligated to report any violations without any repercussion. Also more programs are needed to encourage interaction between the communities and the police agencies that serve them.

6. Any reports of police brutality should be dealt with harshly. These should be addressed with through federal investigation and prosecution of any law enforcement officers charged with the violation of civil rights, bodily harm, or death of a human being.

7. The CNP promotes the establishment of humane criminal sanctions. The emphasis on prevention, restitution, and rehabilitation must be practiced as opposed to vengeance and forced labor. The CNP calls for the restoration of college degree grant programs as well as job training to all in the federal and state prison systems. The CNP also opposes the concept of privately run prisons which do nothing more than exploits convicts while making a profit off them.

8. Strengthening laws and penalties against corporate crimes. This includes the conviction and incarceration of corporate executives as well as revocation of corporate charters.

9. The CNP calls for the expansion of funding for legal aid and public defender programs so all may have competent legal representation.

10. The CNP is not against the ownership of guns and will not outlaw their ownership however; the possession of guns is a right to only to those who are responsible enough to own them. Any abuse of the right of ownership will result in the revocation of that right by the individual as well as the prosecution of the owner by the law.

11. To discourage further corporate crime, the CNP believes that compensation by civil juries should be upheld in the case of high victim compensations.

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