1. The CNP must address the growing population situation in Oregon and Washington. Too many people are moving here and this has impacted everything from the environment, the straining of our infrastructure, and eroding our culture and heritage.

2. The CNP supports some temporary 5 to 15 year moratorium on newcomers to our states. The moratorium would be under review every 5 years and if there is any negative impact as a result of the ban, then the moratorium would be lifted. Those who are marrying those from Oregon and Washington, college students, and migrant workers would be exempted from the ban.

3. Every resident of the states of the Republic of Cascadia upon its independence would be given several options in terms of citizenship (A.) Dual U.S.- Cascadian citizenship for a 3-year period. After the expiration of the 3-year period, a choice must be made between U.S. citizenship or Cascadian citizenship. If U.S. citizenship is chosen, then they will be given 1 year to leave the Republic of Cascadia. If Cascadian citizenship is proclaimed, then they will be able to enjoy the full rights and privileges within Cascadia.(B.) If U.S. citizenship is chosen outright then the person or persons will be given 1 year to leave the Republic of Cascadia. (C.) The third option is to declare citizenship of the Republic of Cascadia.

4. Those who are citizens of other countries who currently live, study, and work in Cascadia may continue to do so under the "Guest Worker” or "Guest Student" status. Those who are "guest workers" or "guest students" must be fully documented and sign a contract provided by the Immigration Bureau stating that may stay to work or study in Cascadia for a period of 4 years. After the allotted time expires, they can renew a contract for another 4 years providing they are still employed or enrolled and are without a criminal record. After the second 4 year term, the guests are required to leave the Republic of Cascadia but also be eligible to apply for citizenship in the future.

5. Those who were born in the states of Cascadia and/or have lived here for more than 10 years are automatically considered citizens of the Republic of Cascadia upon independence.

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