1. Maintain a policy of non-alignment in military affairs. No to NATO.

2. While the CNP supports the idea of membership into the United Nations, this will be non-binding should Cascadia become independent. A referendum should be given nationwide to determine membership into the U.N.

3. The establishment of embassies and consulates around the World.

4. A dialogue first policy in incidents and situations that directly involve the interests and peoples of Cascadia as long as there is no direct threat to the stability and security of the nation.

5. To establish an International Institue of Peace. A think tank and meeting center to research and resolve international disputes. In the event of negotiations, Our states and our nation will be prepared to act in mediation and advising.

6. As a people, we must address the plight of those unrepresented peoples around the World. Especially those who seek independence or autonomy in the World community.

7. To provide humanitarian aid to those areas of the World who may need it.

8. Even while Oregon and Washington continue under U.S. rule, both state governments should reserve the right to seek out relations with any nation or aspiring nation on Earth regardless of U.S. foreign policy.

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